
2023-08-08 10:43:27 来源:万能知识网


常用句子1. Are you capable of handling this case?你能搞定这个案例吗?  2. Do you speak fluent English?你能说流利的英文吗?  3. She"s proficient in this field.她是这个领域的行家里手。  4. Good communication skill is the key to success.良好的沟通技巧是成功的关键。  5. Annual evaluation will take place next week.下一周就开始年度考评了。  6. What"s your specialty?你的特长是什么?  7. I don"t think he"s the right person for this program.我觉得他不是这个项目适合的人选。  8. What"s his previous boss"s comment on him?他过去的老板对他评价如何?  9. Based on his track record, do you think he can lead the team to win the deal?基于他过去的成绩,你觉得他能带领团队赢得订单吗?  10. On execution level, he"s perfect.在执行层面,他很完美。  11 .This position requires good consumer insight, and understanding of market trends.这个职位需要很好的消费者洞察和对市场趋势的了解。  12. After your evaluation, we decide to give you a salary increase.在对你考评完之后,我们决定给你加薪。  13. He deserves a promotion.他升职是实至名归。  14. John is the super star of our department.约翰是我们部门的明星。情景对话A:Good evening, Jacky.  晚上好,杰基。  B:Good evening, boss.  晚上好,老板。  A:Sorry to take your personal time for your annual review.  不好意思占用你的个人时间来进行年度考评。  B:That"s OK. We both are very busy at working time. And I"d like to talk with you deeply about my career path.  没关系。我们工作时间都很忙碌。而且我也想和你深入谈谈我的职业发展。  A:Well, first of all, I"d like to give you a positive feedback on what you"ve done in the past one year. "Fabulous", I have to say.  首先,我要给你在过去一年做的工作一个肯定的反馈。我得说,你干得不错。  B:Anything I need to reinforce?  有没有什么是我要加强的部分?  A:You perform very well on the execution level. However, on strategylevel, I think you still have some space to enhance youself.  在执行层面,你做得很好。然而,在策略层面,我认为你还有一定的空间加强自己。  B:You"re right, boss. That"s exactly what I"m about to focus on in the next phase.  没错老板。那正是我下一个阶段想要加强的部分。  A:As you"re among the potential staff, we will offer you on strategic thinking.  因为你是我们富有潜力的员工,我们会给你提供特殊培训,用来加强你的策略思考。  B:Thanks very much.  非常感谢!
关键词: 我要 给你 层面
x 广告
x 广告

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