
2023-08-13 10:45:00 来源:万能知识网


( Li Xiong is a Chinese student studying in America. He has finished his study program, so he goes to make his farewells to his teacher Dr. Smith. )A : Good morning, Dr. Smith.B : Hi, Li. Take a seat, please.A : Thank you, Dr. Smith. My studies here under the exchange program are completed now, so I"ll be returning to China very soon.B : Oh , that"s a pity. I really wish you could continue your work here.But I understand that your roots are in China and you must return home sooner or later. I hope you"ll keep in touch with me and lei me know how your research program goes.A : I am sure I will. You"ve been very helpful to me in these years.B : It"s been my pleasure. By the way, on what day are you leaving?A : My departure is scheduled for next Friday.B : Oh, I see. How about coming back to my office next Tuesday morning? I"m hoping I can find some materials for you.A : Oh, that"s wonderful ! Sure, I"ll be here. Thank you, Dr Smith.B : My pleasure. OK, see you next Tuesday then.A : Good-bye, Dr. Smith!
关键词: 英语 史密斯 博士
x 广告
x 广告

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