
2023-08-14 10:52:31 来源:万能知识网


航空邮件是利用航空寄递邮件的国内邮件或国际邮件。按运输方式分类的国际邮件除了航空邮件外还有水陆路邮件、空运水陆路邮件。Mary, would you please prepare all these letters for posting?玛丽,请你将这些信件整理后邮寄好吗?Yes, Mr. Green.好的,格林先生。This is an urgent letter, which should be sent by registered express airmail, the others are ordinary letters. You may send them by surface mail.这是封急件,需用航空挂号快件寄出。其他的是普通信件,用平件寄出就行了。All right. Who would you like me to address this urgent letter to?好的。这封急信上要写上谁的地址呢?Oh, it" s sent to Mr. Song Xiaohui.噢,这封急信是要寄给宋晓辉先生的。Should I write Mr. Song" s home or office address?我该写宋先生家里还是他办公室的地址?Please use his office address. He might be at work when it arrives.请写上他办公室的地址。信到达时,他可能在上班。Should I enclose this commercial paper with the letter, Mr. Green?格林先生,我要不要随信附寄这份商业文件呢?Yes. Thank you, Mary.要附上。谢谢,玛丽。
关键词: 邮件 玛丽 格林
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