相关词汇bun n. 圆发髻 crew cut 平头 curler n. 卷发夹子 curly hair 卷发 fashionable adj. 流行的,时髦的 hair band 发箍 hair comb 发梳 hair salon
美发沙龙 hairpin n. 发夹 long hair 长发 medium hair 中长发 part v. 分开,分离 perm n. 烫发 pigtail n. 辫子 ponytail 马尾 ribbon n. 发带 short 短发 step over 横越,跨过 straight hair 直发 updo n. 盘发,高髻
情景对话:A: I need a haircut. B: OK. Please have a seat. Do you want to wash your hairtoo, or just a haircut? A: Just a haircut. I washed my hair this morning. B: Alright. I will have an assistant wet your hair. Then I can cut it. Please step over there. How would you like your hair cut today? A: Well, the last time I had my hair cut was eight weeks ago. So my hair is pretty long right now. What style do you recommend? B: I recommend you to leave it a little long on top. But we should take in the back and sides a bit more. That"s more fashionable now. A: Alright. You are the expert. I"m more than happy to accept your recommendation. B: So I will cut the sides just above the ear. Is that OK? A:Fine. B: And do you usually part your hair along here? A:Yes. B: Alright, I know just what to do.
参考译文:A:我想剪个头发。 B:好的,您请坐。先洗一下头发吗,还是单剪? A:单剪吧,早上刚洗的头。 B:好的,我会让一个助理先帮您把头发打湿,这样会比较好剪一点。好,现在请到这边来。您今天想剪个什么样的发型? A:上次剪头发已经是两个月前了。头发长长了很多,关于发型,你有什么建议吗? B:我建议你上面留长一些,后面和两旁修短一点,这是当下比较时尚的发型。 A:好的,这方面你是专家,还是听你的建议吧。 B:我把两旁的头发修到耳朵上面好吗? A:好的。 B:您的头发通常是这样侧分的吗? A:是的。 B:好的,那我开始剪了。