成都美联英语为大家整理一些有用的英语对话,本篇是:导游英语情景对话。 一名导游必须负责安排和协调旅游活动,并且应该给他的队员们一个快乐、舒适的旅行,他还应该为旅游者提供交通、住宿、观光、购物和娱乐等方面的服务。
句子是英语对话的基础,成都美联英语为您整理导游英语情景对话的常用句型,掌握越多的句子,你的英语口语能力就越高。Why do you want to be a tourist guide?你为何想当导游呢? What courses have you completed at college? 你大学时学的是什么课程? Have you learned any foreign languages other than English? 除了英语,你还学过其他
外语吗? Were you taught by any foreign teachers?有外教教过你们吗? Do you know anything about tourism?你对旅游事业了解吗? Do you know what is with our agency? 你对我们旅行社了解很多吗?
掌握了导游英语情景对话的句子,那么久需要赶紧对号入座,感受英语对话的魅力,这样才能加深对这个话题的理解。Interviewer: Let"s start with this job. What got you interested in working for a travel agency? Applicant : Well, that"s long story,actually. Ever since I was little ,I"ve been interested in foreign countries, especially their literature and culture. I majored in English in college so that I"d be able to understand those cultures better. I"m especially interested in the United States. Are you American? Interviewer : No. I"m Canadian, actually. Applicant : Oh, sorry. I think I just put my foot i n my mouth ! Interviewer : Oh, that"s all right. I"m used to it. Applicant : Well, anyway, excuse me for getting off the subject. As said, I"m very interested in foreign countries, especially the West,and so when I began thinking about getting a job, a travel agency seemed the logical choice. I"d like to be an overseas tour guide,actually. Interviewer : There"s a good chance of that if you work for this agency. Not right away, of course, but in a few years, after people learn something about the way the business runs,a lot of them go overseas with a group,or go beforehand to set up hotel arrangements and such. Applicant : That would be interesting. I"d like to be a good tour guide,and help people really enjoy their trip.
成都美联英语小编知道,有些同学对英语不是很明白,迟迟没有进入状态,小编在此为大家翻译导游英语情景对话,帮助大家加深了解。主试人:嗨,李小姐,请坐。 应试人:谢谢。 主试人:现在,您大概知道这个面试主要用英文测验您沉不沉着,所以只管放轻松,我们聊聊好吗? 应试人:好。 主试人:让我们从这个工作开始,是什么使您对在旅行社工作感兴趣? 应试人:呢,其实说来话长,我从小就对外国感兴趣,尤其是他们的文学和文化。我大学主修英文,所以比较能够了解那些文化。我特别对美国感兴趣,您是美国人吗? 主试人:不,我事实上是加拿大人。 应试人:啊,抱歉!我想我说错话了。 主试人:呢,那没关系,我开始习惯了。 应试人:那么,请原谅我跑题。我说过我对外国很感兴趣,尤其是西方国家。所以当我开始考虑找工作时,旅行社似乎是个合理的选择。事实上我想当海外导游。 主试人:如果您替这个公司工作就会有机会。当然不是马上,而是过几年,等你们对营业情况掌握一些以后,很多人就会和旅行团到国外去,或是先去订旅馆等等。 应试人:那一定很有意思,我想当一个好导游,帮人们真正享受旅游。 以上就是