英语的基础,这一点是毋庸置疑的。平时的日积月累才能铸造将来的出口成文 多读英语单词和文章,才能加强词汇量。以下是由青岛汉普森英语小编为您整理的医疗保险英文怎么说。
Medical Insurance 医疗保险.相关词汇insurance company保险公司. insurance applicant投保人. insurance slip投保单. insurance condition,保险条件. fine print细则. declaration form 索赔表. endowment insurance养老保险. marine insurance海上保险. insurer保险人. insurant, the insured受保人. insured amount保险金额. insurance instruction投保通知. declare a car accident报汽车事故. health insurance健康保险. fire insurance火灾保险. insurance of content、家庭财产保险. insurance broker保险经纪人. insurance coverage保险范围. insurance clause保险条款.. leaflet说明书. claim the compensation索赔. social insurance社会保险. unemployment insurance失业保险.
常用句型1. I"ve come to inquire about your medical insurance service. 我是来询问你们的医疗保险服务事项的。 2. I must say that you"ve corrected my ideas about the insurance. 我想说你们已经纠正了我对保险的看法。 3. It"s better for you to read the leaflet,and then make a decision. 你比较好先看看说明书,再决定保什么险。 4. Wouldn"t you allow us any discount, 你们能给我们优惠保险价吗? 5. The premium is to be calculated in this way. 保险费是这样计算的。 6. How much do I have to pay for my medical insurance each year? 我每年要付多少医疗保险费? 7. I want to buy it for five consecutive years. 我想连续投保五年。 8. Here is the policy. All I need is your signature. 这是保险单,您只需要在上面签字就行了! 9. Remember to renew your insurance. 记得为你的保险续约。 以上是由