work experience.工作经验1 field 领域 2 interpret 口译;作口译, 3 well-trained 练有素的;良好训练 4 negotiation 谈判;转让;顺利的通过 5 accomplish 完成;实现;达到
记忆点拨in the field在实地;在作战;参加比赛 in the field of在……方面,在……领域 oil field油田 right to interpret解释权 interpret as解释为;理解为;把……理解为 business negotiation商务谈判,商业谈判;交易磋商. contract negotiation合同谈判 negotiation skill谈判技巧 accomplish nothing一事无成;一无所成
单词延伸1 field. domain 领域;域名 territory 领土,领域;范围;地域 fielder 外野手;外场员 oil field油田 2 interpret interpreter 解释者;口译者;注释器 interpretive 解释的;作为说明的 interpretable 可说明的;可判断的;可翻译的 right to interpret解释权 3 well-trained bridle-wise 训练有素的 disciplined 遵守纪律的;受过训练的 trained 培训;训练过的,受过培训的 trained personnel 专门人才 4 negotiation treaty 条约,协议;谈判 negotiator 谈判者;磋商者 negotiant 谈判者;磋商者 negotiable 可通过谈判解决的;可协商的
语境记忆Each of the authors of the tapes is an expert in his field. 这些磁带的每一位作者都是其领域内的专家。 The domain is vast. 领域广大。 The two sides continued to dispute the owner ship of the territory. 双方继续争夺那片领土的所有权。 He hit 10 home runs in the Coast League and he"salso a good fielder. 他在海岸联赛中击出了10次全垒打,而且他还是个很好的守场员。 The chambermaid spoke little English, so her husband came with her to interpret. 那个女服务员几乎不会说
英语,所以她丈夫来给她作口译。 The president spoke to the press through an interpreter. 总统通过口译员向媒体讲话。 History is an interpretive process. 历史是一个解释过程。 He behaves like a well-trained soldier. 他的举止像个训练有素的军人。 For me it meant being very disciplined about how I run my life. 对我而言,它意味着要以非常有纪律的方式生活。 Usually only a trained dancer can do the splits. 通常只有训练有素的舞蹈演员才会劈叉。 We have no trained personnel to manage such a huge treasure. 我们没有受过专门训I练的人员来
管理这么一大笔财富。 The trader was obstinate in the negotiation. 这个商人在谈判中拗强固执。 The peace treaty was signed in Paris. 该和平条约是在巴黎签订的。 The negotiator acted as liaison between labor and management· 谈判者充当劳资双方的联络人。