
2023-02-21 10:44:11 来源:教育快播网



相关词汇amazing adj. 令人称奇的,很棒的  carving n. 雕刻  clay n. 陶土  decorative adj. 装饰性的  exhibit n. 展品  fascinate v.使……着迷  feature 突出,以……为主题  foliage n. 植物的叶子(总称)  harmonious adj. 和谐的  ice sculpture 冰雕  image n. 意象,形象  metal n. 金属  on display 陈列,展示  plastics n. 塑料  sculptor n. 雕塑家,雕刻家  sculpture n. 雕塑  sparkling adj. 闪耀光芒的  statue n. 塑像  three-dimensional adj. 三维的  transform v. 改变……的外观情景对话:A: John, I am surprised to meet you here at a sculpture exhibition.  B: I"m big fan of carving and sculpture.  A: Oh, really? Great. John, look at this one. See howits harmonious color and flowing lines have helped transform the sparkling glass into the very image of happiness and joy.  B: Yes, that"s amazing! And Professor, what do you thinkthat metal one over there features?  A: I think it may feature a whole foliage scene. Look, these are the branches and these are the leaves.  B: Oh, and this one. I like it. This decorative statue must look good in my study.  A: Yeah, it"s beautiful.  B: Sculpture is so different from painting.  A: Sculpture is three-dimensional artwork. And a lot of different materials can be used, such as stone, glass,wood, clay and plastics.  B: I"ve heard there"re even sculptures made of ice in China.A: Yes, typically in northern China where it"s very cold inwinter, sculptors will make their works out of ice.  B: Great! This winter I will definitely go there and enjoy the show.参考译文:A:约翰,没想到我在雕塑展上遇见你。  B:其实我对雕刻和雕塑很喜欢的。  A:哦,是吗?那太好了。约翰,你看看这个作品.协调的颜色以及流动的线条有效地赋予了这流光溢彩的玻璃幸福和喜悦的形象色彩。  B:是啊.真是太棒了!那么,教授.您觉得那边那个金属的雕塑作品是以什么为主题的呢?  A:我认为这整件作品是勾勒了一幅植物叶子的图景。看,这些是枝条,而这些是树叶。  B:哦。还有这件作品,我挺喜欢。我的书房要是摆上这么件装饰性的塑像,一定看起来挺美的。  A:是啊,这件作品很有美感。  B:雕塑和绘画的差异太大了。  A:雕塑是三维的艺术创作,而且也可以运用多种不同的材料,例如:石块、玻璃、木头、陶土以及塑料。  B:我听说中国还有冰雕。  A:是啊.一般是在中国北方.由于冬季气候寒冷,所以雕塑家们就会用冰来进行创作。  B:太好了.今年冬天我一定要去看一看冰雕展。
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