英语小编为您整理的关于照片的英语单词的全部内容。 照片photo n. 黑白照片black and white photo. 彩色照片color photo. 数码照片digital photo. 流行时尚照fashion photo. 艺术照arty photo. 相册photo album. 电子相册electronic album. 照片展览photo exhibitions. 亮度luminosity n. 取景framing n. 分辨率resolution n. 拓宽视野broaden one"s horizon. 拍风景照take photos of scenery. 储存照片到电脑. store photos in the computer. 上传照片到QQ空间. upload photos to Q-zone. 让某人想起过去. remind sb.of the past. 有趣的interesting adj. fascinating adj. amusing adj. entertaining adj. Don"t put the cart before the horse. 婚礼wedding ceremony. 家庭聚会family gathering. 节假日festivals and holidays. 特别的主题. particular theme. 记录经济发展. memorize economic development. 记录边远山区人们的生活状况. record people"s life in some remote places. 祖国的秀丽山川. beautiful mountains and rivers in our country. 审美教育esthetic education. 以不同方式保存照片. keep photos in different ways. 记录快乐与悲伤. memorize happiness and sorrow. 感觉到真正的生活. feel the real life.
1.In what situations do you take photos?[经典回答]I take photos on some special occasions,such as on the wedding ceremony,family gatherings,festivals and holidays or on the journey.It is quite rewarding to memorize those happy moments; afterwards,I can share them withmy friends and family.
2.What is the value of taking photos?[经典回答]The value of photos is memories,snapshots of time frozen on film or digital media.People are never going to have certain things happen again,so having photos will give them a record of things of the past.
3.Why don"t some people like having their photo taken?[经典回答]It is hard to make a conclusion of the question, because the reason varies from person to person.I think the reason why many people refuse to have their photos taken is that they believe they look ugly in the picture or they are in a bad mood. 以上是由