网上流行一个有趣的段子来描述80后的悲催际遇:读小学时,大学不要钱;读大学时,小学不要钱;还没工作时,工作是分配( assign)的;可以工作时,得自谋职业;没挣钱时,房子是分配的;能挣钱时,发现一辈子的薪水(salary)也买不起房子……那么“房奴”用
英语该如何说呢? “青梅竹马”决定共度一生,但丈 母娘却撂下狠话:“没房就别想娶我女儿。”为了未来,我们不得不一步步沦为“房奴”: We are mortgage slaves. 我们是房奴一族。
购房地段和环境听说那个小屋绿化特别好,我们去看看那个房子吧: The apartment I looked at today was pretty decent. 我今天看的房相当不错。 It"s got a lot of trees and plants. 绿化不错。 The apartment is near a bus stop. 房子挨着公交站。 The apartment is conveniently located. 公寓地段好,交通便利。 It"s about thirty minutes ride from the city. 离城里有半个小时的车程。 This house looks nice. 这个房子不错。
房奴买房记不管现如今的房价高得有多离谱,但是为了有个“家”,好多人还是争相加人了“房奴”的行列。 We haven"t got an apartment. We cant afford it. 我们还没买房,供不起。 Are you going to make a full payment? 你准备一次付清吗? We are considering paying by installments. 我们打算分期付款。 You can buy a second一hand house. 你可以买个二手房。 Is the apartment still available? 那个房子售出了吗? You Just need to prepare the down payment. 你只需准备好首付就可以了。
黄金句式A : I heard that this house is on sale. Would it be OK to look at it now?听说这个房子要出售。现在能看看吗? B : I"m sorry the owner is not available now.对不起,房主现在没空。 A:You"re switching apartments?你想换房子? B: Yeah, I"ll get married. This house is too small for us.是的,我要结婚了,现在的房子对于我们来说太小了。 还可以说:You"re changing apartments? You"re moving? A: So do you like the apartment?那么你喜欢这套公寓吗? B: It"s great and convenient, but the apartment is so overpriced.这里很棒,很方便,但是这个公寓房价太高了。 单词点睛:overpriced adj.定价过高的 以上是由