“刚下舌尖,美上心间”,一部堪称“吃货福音”的经典记录大片近来迅速俘获了每一位看客的“贪”心,掀起一股美食连锁反应,瞬间引爆各地食材的销售记录,看来要做美食,食材店可谓食客的必争之地啊! 既然如此,不如赶紧去食材店问问老板都有什么食材吧! What kinds of ingredients do you have? 你这儿都有什么食材?
缺一不可俗话说得好,“巧妇难为无米之炊”,这厨房空空如也可是犯了料理之大忌哦! My fridge is empty. 冰箱空了。 The spices run out. 调味品用完了。 I think it"s lacking in some spice,like cumin. 我认为这道菜缺少某种佐料,例如孜然。 Scallion,ginger and garlic are essential for Chinese cuisine. 葱、姜、蒜是中国烹饪必备的原料。
精挑细选学过买菜四绝吗?“望、闻、问、切”一个都不能少。 The rape is brown on the edges. 油菜叶都蔫了。 Those tomatoes are rotten. 西红柿熟烂了。 The seafood smells fishy. 海鲜闻起来有腥气。 The fat一free beef is so fresh. 这瘦牛肉很新鲜。 I"m looking for the organic vegetables. 我正在找有机蔬菜。 I need cold cuts for picnic. 我需要冷切肉作野餐。 Please help me get some cucumbers. 请给我拿些黄瓜。 A:I don"t know what to eat for breakfast. We"re out of milk,cereal and even fruit.我不知道早饭吃什么。我们的牛奶、谷类食品甚至水果都吃完了。 B : We really need to do some shopping.我们真的该去买点东西了。
还可以说:We need to get some stuff from the store. A : Shoot ! We"re out of soda.啊,我们的苏打用完了。 B : Oh, I"ll go out and get you some.我出去给你买。
还可以说:We don"t have any soda left. A : You"re going to cook lasagna tonight, right Brittany?今晚我们要做肉末番茄汁面,是吧,布列塔尼? B:Oh,I forgot to pick up the ground meat. I"m afraid I can"t make lasagna to-night.啊,我忘了买肉馅了。恐怕今晚我做不了卤汁面条了。
单词点睛:lasagna n.卤汁面条
还可以说:I forgot to buy the ground meat. I didn"t get the ground meat,it slipped my mind. 以上是由