Judo柔道…up to lady luck.……凭运气。A:Winning and losing are really up to lady luck.输赢真的全凭运气。 B:I don"t think so.我不这么认为。 up to表示“由……决定”。lady luck为相当 口语且戏谑的说法,意思与luck相同,表示“运气”。up to lady luck字面意思为“由运气来决定”,也就是“凭运气”。
…be featured in...……特别报道。A: He won the gold medal again.他又一次赢得了。 B: He was featured in the Daily Times today.今天的《每日时报》为他做了特别报道。 (sb.)be featured in (a show, magazine, etc.),意思是“(某节目或杂志等以(某人)为主角或为(某人)做特别报道”。
经典金句1.Judo is an oriental form of wrestling originally developed from a Japanese art of self-defense. 柔道是一种东方摔跤形式,它源于一种日本自卫术。 2. Judo is a courteous sport. 柔道是一种讲究礼仪的体育运动。 3. He won the competition with ippon. 他以一本赢了这场比赛。 4. He is famous for his hand and foot techniques. 他的手技和脚技很有名。 5.He was warned for grabbing his opponent"s hair. 他因抓对手的头发而受到警告。 6.Japanese excel in Judo. 日本人擅长柔道。
情景对话A: I know very little about Judo. Can you tell me how to watch and understand a judo game? B:Let"s watch and say. Look. Judo is not about using power to subdue opponents,but about using technique to control them. A: In this case,judo is a little bit similar to boxing and taekwondo. What is the important point in judo? B: A high degree of technical skill and understanding of strategies may help determine the outcome. A:我对柔道知之甚少。你能告诉我怎样观赏一场柔道比赛吗? B:我们一边看一边说。看,柔道不是用力量对付对手,而是用技巧来控制对方。 A:这么说,柔道同拳击和跆拳道有点相像。柔道中重要的一点是什么? B:高超的技术和战术意识是决定比赛胜负的关键。
高频词汇bow 鞠躬 Hajime 开始 Hiki-wake 平局 ippon 一本 Judo 柔道 judogi 柔道衣 kyu 级别 matte 暂停 以上是由小编为您整理的柔道用英语怎么说的全部内容。