go astray 误入歧途harmonious adj.和谐的,协调的,和睦的.[例]A harmonious social order is created by the existence of extended families.和谐的社会秩序乃是稳定家庭的延伸。
hostility n.敌意,恶意,不友善.[例]If children live with hostility,they will learn to fight.如果孩子生活在敌意中,他们就会学着争斗。
individuality n.个性,个人的特性.[例]Family is a place where everyone"s individuality is permitted to flourish.家庭是一个允许每个人张扬个性的地方。
influence n.影响,感化[例]Family has a major influence on the children"s achievement in school and through life.家庭对于孩子在学校乃至一生的表现都有重要的影响。
instill vt.慢慢地灌输internalise vt.使内在化[例]Family instills discipline and helps children learn and internalise codes of conduct that will serve them for the rest of their lives.家庭给孩子慢慢地灌输了纪律的概念,帮助孩子内化那些将陪伴他们终生的行为准则。
instruct vt.教导,命令,指示[例]The family instructs children and gives guidance about personal values and social behaviou。家庭教导孩子并给予他们自我价值和社会行为方面的引导。
intimacy n.亲密[例]Family meals can create many opportunities for family intimacy.家庭聚餐创造了家人亲密接触的机会。
nurture vt.养育,给予营养物n.养育,教育.[例]Nurture your mind.发展你的心智。
Nurture passes nature.教养胜过天性。peer n.同辈,同龄人positive adj.积极的,的,确实的.[拓]passive adj.被动的,消极的
[例]Family helps children develop positive interpersonal relationships.家庭帮助孩子培养积极的人际关系。
recognition n.赏识,承认,重视.[例]If children live with recognition,they will learn to have a goal.如果孩子被认同赏识,他们将学着确立生活目标。以上是由