
2023-04-25 10:47:28 来源:万能知识网


英语对话能使人在短的时间内学会实用的会话,在轻松的对话中,即使平常不太有机会接触英语的人,也可一句一句地学习会话。上海汉普森英语为大家整理一些有用的英语对话,本篇是:关于击剑运动的英语对话。 常用句子:1.The sabre is heavy and rigid.佩剑重而坚硬。   2. A fencer should not be against the etiquetteof the game.击剑者不得违反比赛规则。   3. Fencing is now regarded as a recreational ac-tivity.现在击剑被当作是一种娱乐活动。   4. The foilsmen should obey the rules.击剑手应遵守规则。   5. How are touches recorded?击中如何记录?   6. Touches are recorded by electronic touch-re-cording apparatus.击中由电触击记录器记录。 对话:A:What weapons are used in fencing competitions?   B:The three weapons are foil,epee and sabre.   A:What are the differences between them?   B:The foil is a thrusting weapon with no cuttingedge. The epee is the duelling sword. The bladeis stiffer. The sabre is stiff and heavy.   A:Where do fencing bouts take place?   B:Fencing bouts take place on a narrow strip calleda piste. 翻译:A:击剑比赛用什么剑?   B:有3种剑:花剑、重剑和佩剑。   A:这3种剑有什么区别呢?   B:花剑是刺戳用剑,它没有劈杀用的剑刃,重剑是决斗用剑,剑体比花剑坚硬。佩剑则又重又硬。   A:击剑在什么场地上进行?   B:击剑在一个叫做击剑场的狭长的长条形场地上进行。   以上就是上海汉普森英语小编为您整理的关于击剑运动的英语对话,上海汉普森英语常年开设商务英语成人英语英语口语等课程,欢迎大家进入上海汉普森英语首页进行详细了解与咨询。
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