
2023-04-29 10:46:06 来源:万能知识网


常用句子:Do you agree?  你同意吗?  Are you for or against his idea?  你是赞成还是反对他的主意?  Are we all behind this?  大家都同意吗?  What do you think of my proposal?  你觉得我的建议怎么样?  Don"t you think so?  你不这么认为吗?  How dose that sound?  那样行吗?  Does it work for you?  你没问题吧?/你同意吗?  Give me a definite answer  给我一个明确的答复 情景对话:(1)A:What do you think of the new television channel? Aren"t the programs aweful?  B:I quite agree with you. They are terrible. They are complete waste of time, but my wife disagrees with me.  A:Actually, what bothers me is the violence. There are far too many detective and police shows.  B:I couldn"t agree with you more. There aren"t enough educational programs, and even the news shows are not well done.  A:You are absolutely right. They are too brief. They don"t tell you anything.  A:你认为新的电视频道怎么样?节目是不是糟糕?  B:我很同意你的看法。他们是糟糕的。他们完全是在浪费时间,但我的妻子不同意我的时间。  A:事实上,困扰我的是暴力。有太多的侦探和警察的表演。  B:我很同意。没有足够的教育节目,甚至是新闻节目都没有做得很好。  A:你太对了。他们太短了。他们什么都不告诉你。(2)A:Thanks for lunch. It was delicious.  谢谢你请的午餐。它很美味。  B:It"s OK.  不客气。  A:Next time lunch is on me.  下次的午餐我请。  B:Don"t be silly.  别傻了。  A:I"m serious.  我是认真的。  B:All right. Next time you will treat.  好的。下次你请。  A:It"s a deal.  一言为定。(3)A:So, are we all behind this new project?  这么说大家都支持这个新案子了?  B:I"m in favor of Maggie.  我同意麦琪。  C:Ditto, it doesn"t look too expensive either.  我也是,看起来这个案子也不会花太多钱。  A:That"s right, Nigel. I think we can keep cost down.  一点也没错,奈杰尔,我们认为花费可以降低。  B:I can"t see a problem. Let"s give it a try.  我也不觉得有什么问题,就放手一搏吧。
关键词: 大家都
x 广告
x 广告

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