
2023-05-05 10:49:28 来源:万能知识网



相关词汇big character 大字  calligrapher n. 书法家  calligraphy n. 书法  clerical style 隶书  copy book 字帖  cursive style 草书  epigraph n. 碑文  facsimile n. 摹写,模本  inscribe v. 在某物上写,题(词语、名字等).  in锝擄絻锝掞綁锝愶綌ion n. 题名,题字  noted adj. 闻名的,知名的  order n.顺序  regular 锝擄絻锝掞綁锝愶綌 楷书  scroll n. 卷轴,纸卷  semi-cursive style 行书  signature n. 署名,题款  stroke n. 一笔,一画  tablet n. 匾  trace v.描摹  vigorous adj. 有力的情景对话:A: Hi! Last time you told me you were practicing Chinese calligraphy. How"s it going?  B: Well, I"ve already moved from the regular 锝擄絻锝掞綁锝愶綌 to the semi-cursive style.  A: Really? Unbelievable! Semi-cursive style can be a lot more difficult than the regular 锝擄絻锝掞綁锝愶綌.  B: Yeah. For some characters, even the order of strokes have changed in different styles. Sometimes the same character looks like two different ones to me as the style changes.  A: Ha-ha. That can be true. Especially in cursive style,words are hard to recognize, let alone they look different.  B: Have you ever practiced calligraphy?  A: Yes. I used to trace characters printed in copy books when I was very young.  B: I"ve heard that there are classes teaching handwriting in many primary schools and that students are required towrite in facsimile.  A: Right. Hm, you"ve got a scroll here. Is it written by a noted calligrapher?  B: I have no idea.  A: Well, there"s probably the signature inscribed on it. Let me See。参考译文:A: 啦!上次你不是说在练汉字书法嘛练得怎么样啦?  B:嗯,我先练的是楷书,现在在练行书了。  A:是吗?不敢相信啊!行书可比楷书难多了。  B:是挺难的。在书法的不同体例当中.有些字的笔画顺序写起来也不一样。有时候同一个汉字用不同的体例写出来,我看着都觉得像是两个不同的字了。  A:哈哈,这倒是,尤其是写草书的话,别说看起来和其他体例不同,连要看清楚写的是什么字都会很难。  B:你练过书法吗?  A:练过,我小时候会对着字帖上的字来临摹。  B:我听说很多小学都会开设书法课,老师会要求学生摹写。  A:没错。嗯.你这儿挂了幅卷轴啊,是知名书法家的墨宝吗?  B:这我倒不清楚啊。  A:这里可能是书法家题的落款,我来看一看。
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