
2023-05-11 10:50:05 来源:万能知识网


对话范例A:Tomorrow is Sunday. What are you going to do,Lucy?  B:I have no idea about it. Do you have plans for it?  A:No, I don"t. But the weather reporter said the weather will be very nice tomorrow.  B: Oh,it"s good for us to go out and have a good rest.  A: Yeah,you"re right. But what can we do?  B:I have an idea. How about going to the amusement park?  We can have a lot of fun there as that of our childhood.  A:That"s really a good idea,Lucy. I always ask my parent sto take me to the amusement park when I was a child.  B: Me too. To my way of thinking the amusement park is the favorite place of most children. And the experience in it will be memorized life long.  A:That"s the point. Let"s go to amusement park to memorize the experience of our childhood tomorrow. How about Shi-jingshan amusement park?  B:OK. I"ve heard it’s very good. But I haven’t gone there until now.  A: The same to me. I"m sure we"ll have a good time tomorrow.  B: Of course. See you tomorrow.  A:See you.  A:明天是星期日,你要做什么,露西?  B:我还不知道呢。你有什么计划吗?  A:不,我也没有。但是天气预报员说明天的天气很好。  B:噢,那很适合出去好好放松一下。  A:是的,你说得对。但是我们能做什么呢?  B:我有一个主意。去游乐园怎么样?在那里我们一定会像童年时那样快乐。  A:真是个好主意,露西.我小的时候经常让父母带我去游乐园玩。  B:我也是。我想游乐园是大多数孩子喜欢的地方了,而且对那里的记忆是一辈子的。  A:你说得对。我们明天去游乐园怀念一下儿时的经历吧。石景山游乐园怎么样?  B:好。我听说那里很好。但是到现在还没去过。  A:我也是。我想明天我们一定会很开心的。  B:当然。明天见。  A:明天见。句式点拨to my way of thinking依我.  "to my way of thinking"意思是“依我看”,相当于“I think... ,in my opinion, as far as I"m concerned".在日常交流中,很多人在表达“我认为”这一含义时,通常只会想到“I think, in my opinion",但是如果能掌握“to my way of thinking”这一表达方式的话,你的英语会显得更加地道,例如:"To my way of thinking, he is the right person for the job.(依我之见,他是这个工作的合适人选。)” 以上是由上海小编为您整理的游乐场英文怎么说的全部内容。
关键词: 游乐园
x 广告
x 广告

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