
2023-05-21 10:37:30 来源:万能知识网


我国古典民乐源于劳动人民的生活以丰富多彩的形式存在于现实生活中。在我国,一个由56个民族共同组成的大家庭中,民族音乐丰富多彩,犹如繁茂的鲜花,竞相争艳。它们涵盖的艺术种类繁多,它们都是劳动人民集体智慧的结晶,是凝聚各族人民团结的纽带,对于保持我们中华民族文化的独特审美趣味并传承中国音乐文化精神起着极为重要的作用。那么,古典音乐的英文怎么写呢?Realize Chinese National Music认识古典民乐Chinese national music is the traditional art or court music of China.It has a long history stretching for more than three thousand years.It has its own unique systems of musical notation,as well as musical tuning and pitch,musical instruments and styles or musical genres.Chinese national music is pentatonic-diatonic,having a scale of twelve notes to an octave as does European-influenced music.Chinese national music appeared dating back to the dawn of Chinese civilization,and documents and artifacts provide evidence of a well-developed musical culture as early as Zhou Dynasty(1046 BC-256 BC).National music is probably more familiar with us than we might think at first image.Indeed,it is all around us in the past and can be noticed in restaurants,supermarkets,lifts,advertisements or in television programmes.Unluckily,while national music is socially undivisive in itself,it has unfortunately become associated in most people’s minds with the intellectual elite.Even now,and with certain honorable exceptions,the attending of a live concert can be an intimidating(not to say costly)experience for the uninitiated,especially in that most jealously guarded of establishments,the opera house.The wonderful thing about the technological age in which we live,and particularly the advent of the compact disc,is that we can bypass all irrelevant social and intellectual pretence,and enjoy in the comfort of our own home(often at far less cost)some of the finest music ever composed.现代流行乐好听,但在我们骨子里不能忘记那原汁原味的民族音乐。那是经历了历史的洗礼,岁月的沧桑,世世代代勤劳善良的中国各民族智慧的结晶,是中华的骄傲。归根结底,时代在进步,人也要进步,但是老祖宗留下的东西是我们一辈子的财富。我们不能忘!就算是再多元化也的音乐,再流行的旋律,我们朴实的民族之魂不能丢!
关键词: 民族音乐
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