放风筝英语怎么说 世界播报

2023-06-21 10:35:54 来源:万能知识网


你是不是想学一些日常英语口语对话来应对平时的工作和生活?英语对话能使人在短的时间内学会实用的会话,美联英语为大家整理英语口语对话,都是日常生活中常见的情景,简单的话题,本篇是放风筝英语怎么说。 A: Bill, look, of the so many kites in the sky, ours is flying highest! B: Yes , but Dick"s looks more beautiful! A: I don"t think so. Look, his is flying now up now down, not steadily at all. B: Have ever seen Carl fly his kite? A: Yes. It was fun to watch him fly a kite. Sometimes the kite dipped and crashed. Sometimes the kite flew out of sight. And a few of them broke loose. B :All this is because he is not good at making the kite. He made them either with a too heavy head or too heavy a pointed end. A: The point to make a good kite is to keep it in balance. B: Yes. A good lift of air is the first step to fly a kite. A: But somebody cannot give their kite a good lift no matter how fast they run to pull it. B: Look, Steve, the young couple"s kite broke loose. A: Oh, I don"t hope it is the sign of their marriage. B:You have a flying mind.How can it mean that? 学英语,就要学实用的、贴近时代和生活的、简洁明快的。美联英语为你提供放风筝英语怎么说翻译,帮助大家消化理解。 A:比尔,看,天上这么多的风筝中,我们的飞得高! B:是的,不过迪克的看上去更漂亮! A:我看未必,看,他的飞得忽上忽下的,一点都不稳。 B:你见过卡尔放风筝吗? A:见过,看他放风筝才有趣呢。有时他的风筝掉下来摔碎了,有时飞得无影无踪了,还有几个放断了线。 B:所有这些都是因为他不会做风筝。他做的风筝不是头太重,就是尾太重。 A:做风筝的关键是能使它平衡。 B:对,而放风筝的第一步是能使它起得好。 A:但是有的人不管拉着风筝跑多快,就是放飞不起来。 B:看,史蒂夫,那对年轻夫妻的风筝断线啦! A:噢,我不希望那是他们婚姻的预兆。 B:你太会联想了,怎么会意味着这个呢? 以上就是美联英语小编为你整理的放风筝英语怎么说,不断的练习能快速提高英语听说能力,从实用的角度出来,真正让学英语为生活服务,学以致用才是学习的目的。美联英语小编建议大家学习生活必用的英语会话句型,在不同场景及使用时机掌握对话,将句型融入对话中。
关键词: 放风筝 英语 风筝
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