
2023-06-30 10:55:39 来源:万能知识网


如何用英语表达“不喜欢…”,例如,我真的不喜欢说三道四。(I really hate gossiping.)表示你不喜欢某事或某人时.除了某些口语表达外,一般不使用省略句,如例句表达的方式。为了加强表达力度,可用副词进行修饰.如really, pretty, very, particularly等。基本表达:I can"t work up any enthusiasm for that film. 对那部影片我实在提不起热情。I don"t think I"ve ever seen anything I dislike more. 我想我从来没有见过比这更讨厌的了。I find it difficult to get on with your brother. 我觉得难以同你的兄弟相处。I think looking after a baby is really awful. 我认为照看孩子实在讨厌。I think it pretty unpleasant having to ride a bus during the rush hours. 我想不得不在高峰时间乘公共汽车是极令人不愉快的。I"m afraid I don"t like that fellow. 恐怕我不喜欢那个人。I"m not very keen on traveling by air. 我不很喜欢乘飞机旅行。I"ve never liked fish, I"m afraid. 恐怕我从来都不喜欢吃鱼。Motorcycle race is not one of my favorite sports. 摩托车比赛不足我喜欢的运动之一。There"s nothing I like less. 我不喜欢的莫过于此了。There"s nothing I like less than lying.我不喜欢的莫过于说谎了。口语表达:Horrible, isn"t it? 讨厌极了。不是吗?I can"t hear for my daughter to go round with those rough boys. 我不能容忍我的女儿同那些好小子鬼混。I can"t stand his rudeness. 我受不了他的粗鲁。I can"t stick her performance.我受不了她的表演。I don"t fancy gardening.我不喜欢园艺。I never could put up with the woman"s inquisition. 我决受不了这女人的问长问短。书面表达:I can"t say smoking appeals to me very much. 我不能说吸烟时我有多大吸引力,I don"t think that opera is particularly enjoyable. 我看那个歌剧并不特别有趣。I especially dislike onions. 我特别不喜欢洋葱。I find the dancer distinctly unattractive. 我觉得那个舞蹈演员特别乏味。I have a particular aversion to fish smell. 我对鱼腥味儿特别反感。1 have a particular dislike of fatty meat. 我特别不喜欢吃肥肉。I have to admit I rather dislike noise. 我得承认我相当不喜欢嗓音。I must say I"m not too fond‘making speech. 我得说我不太喜欢发表演讲。关键字:如何用英语表达“不喜欢…”

x 广告
x 广告

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