
2023-07-03 10:49:19 来源:万能知识网


Ticket Agent: Oriental Reservation, may I help you?Cheney:I would like to have a reservation on your flight from Beijing to Shenzhen on May 20th.Ticket Agent: We have two flights on May 20th from Beijing to Shenzhen: Flights 205 and 304. Which flight do you want to choose?Cheney:Will you tell me the departure time for the two flights?Ticket Agent: Flight 205 departs at 10:20 a. m. and the Flight 304 at 15:00 p. m Do you like a morning or an afternoon flight?Cheney:Well, let me check. OK! I would like to hook a ticket for the morning flight,10:20 a. m Is that right?Ticket Agent: Just a moment. please. I am afraid the morning flight is fully booked. but I will just check to see if there have been any cancellations. Wait a while, please.Cheney:All right.Ticket Agent: Sorry, it is fully booked at this moment. There haven"t been any cancellations.Cheney:Could you check the afternoon flight, please? I wonder whether it is also booked fully.Ticket Agent: Well, let me see. There are seats available on the afternoon flight leaving at 15:00.Would you like this flight?Cheney:Yes, I have to choose this. Please hook a first class ticket for me?Ticket Agent: With pleasure.Cheney:Besides, can you help me to reconfirm my flight home?Ticket Agent: Sure. First class or economy?Cheney:Economy, please.Ticket Agent: Could you tell me your name?Cheney:My name is Cheney Smith.Ticket Agent: Could you spell it for me?Cheney:C-h-e-n-e-y S-m-i-t-h.Ticket Agent: All right. You are all set.Cheney:I see. thank you very much.Ticket Agent: Enjoy your flight, Bye.
订票处:这里是东方预订处,能为您做些什么吗?切尼:你好,我想预订5月20日从北京到深圳的飞机票。订票处:我们这里有两班从北京飞往深圳的航班:205航班和304航班。您要预订哪一个?切尼:你能告诉我这两个航班的出发时间吗?订票处:205航班是在上午10点20分起飞,而304航班是在下午3点起飞。请问您是选择上午的航班还是下午的呢?切尼:好的。让我查一下。好的,我想预订上午的航班,是10点20分起飞。对吧?订票处:请稍等。恐怕上午的航班已经订满了,但是我先查一下是否有取消预订的,您稍等一下。切尼:好吧!订票处:很抱歉,目前还是订满的,没有取消预订的。切尼:麻烦你帮我查一下下午的那次航班。我想知道那次航班是否也预订满了。订票处:好的,让我查一下。下午3点起飞的那次航班仍然有座位。这个航班可以么?切尼:可以。我就选这次吧!请帮我预订头等舱。订票处:很乐意为您服务。切尼:另外能帮我确认回程票吗?订票处:当然可以。是头等舱还是经济舱呢?切尼:经济舱。订票处:您能告诉我您的名字吗?切尼:我叫切尼·史密斯。订票处:您能拼写一下吗?切尼:C一h一e一n一e一y, S-m-i一t一ha订票处:好的,全安排好了。切尼:好,多谢。订票处:旅途愉快。再见。
关键词: 订票 航班 切尼
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