客房预订英语口语对话 环球看点

2023-07-07 10:47:32 来源:万能知识网


客房预订英语口语对话-广州朗阁雅思经典句型背一背By the way,could you tell me about the hotel service?   顺便问问,你能不能给我讲一下宾馆服务的情况?   Is there any place in the hotel where we can amuse ourselves?   旅馆里有娱乐场所吗?   Does the guest house offer any other service?   宾馆里还有哪些项目?   What is the rate,please?   请问房费多少?   Do you have a double room available for May 1?   还有没有5月1日的双人房?   When is the clieck-in time? And what"s the best way to your hotel from the railway station?   什么时候可以登记住宿?从火车站到你们饭店怎么走比较好?   Good afternoon,Beijing Hotel,Reservations.What can I do for you?   下午好,北京饭店预订处,我能为您效劳吗?   I"d like to reserve。room in your hotel.   我想在贵店预订一个房间。   Are you with a company?   有人跟您一起来住吗?   Fin afraid we have no double rooms available but we can offer you a twin room.   恐怕我们没有双人床的房间了,但是可以提供您有两张单人床的房间。   I"m sorry, but the hotel is full on that. date.   抱歉,那天旅馆都已客满了。   I"m sorry,we don"t have any rooms available for that week.   抱歉,您说的那个星期我们酒店没有空房。   I"m sorry, but we are all hooked for next week.   抱歉,下个星期的房间都被订光了。   This is the busiest season .I"m very sorry but could you call us again later this weekend?We may have a cancellation.   现在是旺季。非常抱歉,但是能不能清您这个周末再打电话过来?可能会有人取消预约。   Is it possible for you to change your reservation date?   您可不可以改变预约日期呢? 模仿对话练一练(A man is telephoning to hook a room.)   A:Boom Reservations.Good afternoon.   B:I"d like to hook a double room for Tuesday next week.   A:Sure,sir. A double room for Tuesday,September 12th. Wouldyou like a front view or rear view?   B:What"s the price difference?   A:A double room with a front view is 150 dollars per night:one with a rear view is 120 dollarsper night.   B:I think I"ll take the one with a front view then.   A:How long will you be staying?   B:We"ll be leaving Sunday morning.   A:That will be five nights,sir. Thank you very much,and we look forward to seeing you nextTuesday.   B:Good .It"s all settled then .Goodbye. 广州朗阁雅思老师译文:(一位男士在打电话预订房间。)   A:下午好!这里是房间预订处。   B:我想预订一个下周二的双人间。   A:好的,先生。双人间,周二,9月12日。要阳面的还是阴面的?   B:差价是多少?   A:向阳的双人间每晚150美元,阴面的每晚120美元。   B:那么我要一间阳而的。   A:您要待多久?   B:我们星期天上午走。   A:那么是5个晚上。非常感谢,下周二见。   B:好的,一切都定好了。再见。   以上就是广州朗阁雅思小编为您整理的客房预订的英语口语对话,广州朗阁雅思小编认为语言都是模仿而来,包括考官本人的英文知识也是日积月累地模仿而来,以广州朗阁雅思多年的雅思教学经验来看,希望大家永远记住一句话:所有考试都是将合格的学生考出来,而不是将不合格的考生考出去。
关键词: 雅思 广州 房间
x 广告
x 广告

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