
2023-07-09 10:49:29 来源:万能知识网


对于企业里说来说,商务英语是非常重要的工作、交际、升职的必需品。尤其是与外企有利益关系时,商务英语尤为重要。那么我们要怎么才能学好呢?那就要注重平时的日常英语交流。以下是上海汉普森英语整理的商务英语签订合同对话。 1 Please go over the contract and see if everything is in order.请仔细看看这份合同,看看是否都正确。商务交谈A:Please go over the contract and see if everything is in order.   B:OK.Let me read it over.   A:请仔细看看这份合同,看看是否都正确。   B:好的,让我看看。   ♦go over仔细检查   ♦contract n.合同,契约   ♦in order 正确,妥当 2 Iread the contract,and I think we need to make somechanges.我看了一下合同,我认为我们需要做一些修改。商务交谈A:I read the contract,and I think we need to make somechanges.   B:What"s wrong with the current terms?   A:我看了一下合同,我认为我们需要做一些修改。   B:目前的条款有什么问题吗?   ♦current adj.当前的 3 This is our contract.Please read it carefully before signing.这是我们的合同。请仔细阅读后再签字。商务交谈A:This is our contract.Please read it carefully before signing.   B:We have reached an agreement on all the terms.So there shouldn"t be any problem for the contract.   A:这是我们的合同。请仔细阅读后再签字。   B:我们对各项条款意见都一致了。合同应当没什么问题了。   ♦reach an agreement达成协议 4 Are you ready to sign?准备好可以签名了吗?商务交谈A:Are you ready to sign?   B:I sure am.   A:准备好可以签名了吗?   B:我确定可以签了。 5 Shall we sign the contract now?我们现在就签约吗?商务交谈A:Shall we sign the contract now?   B:Yes.Everything is selaled.Let"s begin.   A:我们现在就签约吗?   B:是的。一切就绪。我们开始吧。 以上是由上海汉普森英语小编为您整理的商务英语签订合同对话的全部内容。
关键词: 合同 英语 商务英语
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