
2023-07-11 10:55:18 来源:万能知识网



A Person Whose Job Is Important


You should say:

who he is

what job he does

what skills his job needs

and explain why do you think it is an important job

I’m sure I’m not the first person to say that teaching is a very important job in society, but I’d like to talk about someone who I saw on TV, who works in very underprivileged areas in America.

The programme I saw told the story of a young American teacher, whose name escapes me right now. He had recently graduated and was sent to teach in a very poor area in Brooklyn. He primarily taught the students science, but was also called upon to help break up fights or talk to the students when they had problems.

As a teacher, the man obviously had to be knowledgeable, organised and dedicated. But due to the testing conditions he also had to be particularly patient and disciplined, whilst maintaining a good rapport with the students. In the beginning this was very hard as they didn’t respect or trust him, but eventually he earned their trust and managed to get through to them.

I think teaching is important to society no matter where you are based, but teaching in such a difficult environment is even more admirable and important as the students are in even greater need. For a lot of them, education is the only way to drag them-selves out of poverty and escape a life of crime or hardship. Even if they are not always successful and may feel like they are banging their head against a brick wall sometimes, it is important for these teachers to continue trying.


A Friend Who Travels By Air

You should say:

who this person is

how often he/she travels by air

where he/she usually travels to

and explain why he/she often travels by air

My friend Maryna has a very glamorous life and is a bit of a jet setter. We used to study together at university, but since then our lives have taken very different roads. Despite this, we still stay in contact and keep each other up-to-date with the latest goings on.

As far as I know, she travels a couple of times a month with her job. She has a frequent flyer card and racks up loads of air miles, which she can save and then use to get free flights anywhere in the world. It’s amazing! She also travels business class, which is very luxurious.

She’s been all over the globe and she’s collected an impressive array of stamps in her passport, but I think she usually flies to the U.S. as her company has a branch in New York. The flight time to New York from Beijing is very long, even a direct flight can take thirteen and a half hours. It can take her body a few days to adjust and she suffers a lot from jet lag.

I couldn’t tell you exactly what she does, it’s all a bit over my head, but she’s ob-viously very high up in her company. Even though technology makes it easy to have meetings with people who are on the other side of the world, it is important for her to meet face-to-face with clients and check on the other branches in person. That’s why she must travel so much, which may be enviable or not, depending on how you look at it.


Describe a famous person (not from your country)

You should say:

who this person is (or was)

how you know about this person

what type of work he or she does

and explain how he or she made an impression.

Let me talk about Kristen Stewart, a pop icon in the USA. She is best known for playing Bella in The Twilight. However, having seen Stewart in a number of movies and read a few articles about her, I will say I’m a fan. I know lots of people will not be on my side here, and I respect that. However, there’s just something about her that I like. And I’m here to decipher why it is I think I like her.

I’m not saying she’s the best actress in the world. Hell, I’m not even saying that she’s all that good. What I am saying however, is that she elicits a vibe and it’s a different vibe. I just think there’s this unspoken quality about her that I like. It’s kind of a not caring, free willing, dark, bored kind of a thing that I’m drawn to.Kristen is a bubbly girl, and not even grumpy at all. She stays grounded and down to earth. Moreover, she"s good to her fans and she doesn"t let the fame go to her head. The girl will just rock up to the airport in jeans and a t-shirt unlike most celebrities who will act like it"s a fashion show.

She seems like she doesn’t care about what people think. I think that’s an attractive quality. This girl just does what she does. I think she is so real and super gorgeous. And who doesn’t like her are just simply jealous. I wish her the best!


Describe a fashionable person.

You should say:

who he or she is

how you knew him or her

what he or she is like

why you think he or she is fashionable.

As you can see, I’m hardly a slave to fashion. But by contrast, I’d have to say that my friend Gary is the most fashionable person I know.

He’s one of my oldest and dearest friends. We’ve known each other since we were kids, and for as long as I can remember he"s always kept up-to-date with the latest trends and fashions. When we first met, he was one of the ‘in crowd’ and I suppose you would call me a geek. I would occasionally get bullied or picked on by the more popular students. However, Gary took me under his wing and shared his knowledge so I was able to revamp my wardrobe and finally fit in with the cool kids.

Nowadays, he’s still always got his head in a glossy magazine, such as ‘GQ’, keeping abreast of the current must-have clothes or accessories. He has a subscription to many of these lifestyle magazines, so the coffee table in his living room is stacked a mile high with them, as is his bathroom!

It’s no mystery why I think he’s so fashionable, you’d only have to see a picture of him to understand. He just oozes style and charisma and I’m sure I’m not alone in considering him my fashion icon. He seems to have something for every occasion, whether it’s a tailor-made suit, something vintage or maybe even sportswear.

关键词: 雅思 口语 范文
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