
2023-08-01 10:53:58 来源:万能知识网


情景会话A: Hi, sir. What would you like to order?  B: What is the specialty of the restaurant?  A: I think our lobster and cod are both popular.  B: Well, give me two lobsters.  A: Do you want any fruit and dessert?  B: Yes, give me fruit salad please.By the way, I think it"s too noisy in your house.  A: I"m so sorry, sir,I will change the background music. Do you have anysuggestions about the music?  B: Classical music would be great.  A: I see, thank you for pointing out this problem.  B: That"s all right.  A:您好,先生。您要点些什么呢?  B:你们店的招牌菜是什么?  A:我想我们的龙虾和鳍鱼都很受欢迎。  B:好,给我来两只龙虾。  A:您还要什么水果或甜品吗?  B:是的,请给我水果沙拉。顺便说一下,我想贵餐厅的音乐太吵了。  A:非常抱歉,先生,我会去换一下背景音乐。您有什么提议吗?  B:古典音乐会很好。  A:我明白了,感谢您指出这个问题。  B:没关系。场景表述还可以这样说:  O Background music plays a critical part in dinner.背景音乐在就餐中起着关键的作用。  O I like your background music.我喜欢你们的背景音乐。  还可以这样说:  O I will change the music.我会去更换音乐。  O It"s indeed too loud, and we will find a softer one.  它确实太吵了,我们会找一首更柔和的。  对方还可能这样说:  O Could we select jazz or blues?我们可以选爵音乐或蓝调音乐吗?  O Maybe you can show us the recent pop music.  或许你可以为我们播放些近的流行音乐。
关键词: 背景音乐 我想 我会
x 广告
x 广告

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