出差 英语怎么说

2023-08-02 10:45:48 来源:万能知识网


商务旅行又称公干、出差等,是旅游行业中细分出来的一个概念。主要涉及到交通、迁移、住宿、体育赛事、文化或者饮食活动和饭店行业的宴会。美联英语小编为您整理出差英语怎么说。Jean: Hey, Kyle, guess what! The boss is sending me to the West Coast for a marketing seminar next month.Kyle: Ah hah, you must be happy. You"ve been itching to go on a business trip for months.Jean: Yeah, and he said there"ll be more coming up, so I should get a corporate card. Problem is, I don"t know how to proceed, and I didn"t want the boss to know that. Can you fill me in?Kyle: Sure, no problem. First, go to see the secretary and tell her where you"re going and when. She"ll arrange for transportation and hotel through our travel agent and give you the ticket and itinerary in a few days. At the same time, ask her for an application form for the card.Jean: Will I use the card for everything?Kyle: No, we have company credit arrangements with some major airlines and hotels. For this trip, you"ll probably only use it for food. Not all restaurants accept the card, so you may have to pay cash.Jean: Do I pay out of my own pocket?Kyle: No, there are maximum per diem rates. I"ll give you a list. Of course, personal items aren"t covered. And make sure you keep all your receipts. You"ll have to attach them to your expense account when you get back.Jean: Anything else?Kyle: Since you"ll be travelling often, apply for a frequent flyer card. Gathering frequent flyer miles is one of the perks of OCS travel. And let me know how you like living out of a suitcase.美联英语为大家整理英语口语对话,都是日常生活中常见的情景,简单的话题,以下是出差英语怎么说的译文。简:嗨,钱德勒,你猜怎么着!老板下月要我去西海岸参加一个市场营销研讨会。钱德勒:啊哈,你肯定很高兴。你想出差都想好几个月了。简:是的,他说以后还有更多。所以我应该有一张公司信用卡。但问题是我不知道如何申请,而且不想让老板知道。你能帮我吗?钱德勒:当然了,没问题。首先去找秘书,告诉她你要去哪儿,什么时候去,她会通过我们的旅行代理,为你安排交通和酒店,并在几天内给你旅程表。同时间她要一张信用卡申请表。简:一切费用都要用那张卡吗?钱德勒:不,我们和一些主要航空公司和酒店都有公司信用协议。这次旅行你也许只会用它来吃饭。但并不是所有的饭店都接受这种信用卡。你也许要付现金。简:我要花自己的钱吗?钱德勒:恐怕是。我们以前是预支差旅费,但自从公司使用信用卡后,就停止了。简:公司会报销所有费用吗?钱德勒:不,有每日高限额。我会给你一个表。当然私人用品不算在内。记得必须保留所有收据。回来后,你必须把他们贴在报销单上。简:还有其他的吗?钱德勒:既然你要经常出差,去申请一张飞行积分卡。积累飞行里程是商务旅行的额外补助之一。到时候告诉我你是怎么带着旅行包生活的。以上就是美联英语小编为你整理的出差英语怎么说,不断的练习能快速提高英语听说能力,从实用的角度出来,真正让学英语为生活服务,学以致用才是学习的目的。美联英语小编建议大家学习生活必用的英语会话句型,在不同场景及使用时机掌握对话,将句型融入对话中。
关键词: 英语 钱德勒 信用卡
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