欧美的家庭结构与中国的差异很大,在中国我们有计划生育政策,一对夫妻只能有一个孩子,除非你是少数民族或嫁给外国人这种特殊情况。(In China we have a one -childpolicy. Per couple can only have one child, unless you are in a special category like ane thnic minority or married to a foreigner.)除了非常明显的独生子女政策之外,人们对婚姻的看法也有非常大的区别。在国外很少有家庭是三代或者四代同堂(extended family where grandparents live with their children and grandchildren)。有时候我们会觉得外国人年老之后都住在养老院而不是自己的家(end up living in care homes rather than with their families)是非常让人震惊的(shocking)事情,但这并不是西方人不如中国人孝敬(care)他们的长辈,而是由一系列复杂的经济及社会原因(complex economic and social factors)造成的。 1.三代同堂是很自然的事情。 2.除了可以维系传统的家庭关系之外,(三代同堂)还能够让无法工作的老人得到生活上的保障。 3.人们觉得把老人送到疗养院去被视为把老人遗弃了。 4.人们完全确定自己想结婚,然后才能下决定,因为这是一辈子的事情。 5.没有人在结婚的时候会想到将来有离婚的一天,但是离婚在中国已经越来越普遍了。 当人们变得更有钱,更加见多识广的时候,传统的价值观念也逐渐瓦解了。我想,中国的急速变化让人们把心思放在家庭以外的事情上了。 6.网络也是造句婚姻破裂的原因,人们在网上可以碰到更多的人!
翻译:1. It is common for three generations to live under one roof. 2. Apart from maintaining traditional family ties, it provides security for older people when they cannot work anymore. 3. People think that sending the old to a nursing home is regarded as abandoning the old. 4. People need to be absolutely certain that they want to get married before they take the leap. It" s supposed to be for the rest of life. 5. Nobody gets married with divorce at the back of their minds, but I suppose that divorce is getting more and more common in China as well. I mean, traditional values are breaking down as people get wealthier and travel more. I think that the frenetic pace of change in China is putting pressure on people to concentrate on things outside the family. 6. The Internet is causing marriage breakdown as well!People are meeting more people online. 1.由父母和几个子女组成的小家庭。 2.人们不觉得只有结婚才能够证明他们爱彼此或者他们是合格的父母。 3.结婚需要让父母双方和亲友都满意,还有其他一些麻烦的事情要协调,那简直就是噩梦!毕竟,结婚只是一张纸而已! 4.增长的离婚率,晚婚、同居的盛行导致新的家庭结构出现,离婚的男女各自带着子女与新的伴侣组建新的家庭,也有人同居生子却不结婚。
翻译:1. Nuclear family in which parents and a small number of children would constitute a single household. 2. People don" t think that they need to get married to show their love or that they are good parents. 3. It would have been a nightmare trying to reconcile parents and family and everything and, after all, marriage is just a piece of paper! 4. Increased divorce rates, later marriage and shacking up together has resulted inphenomena like reconstituted families, where divorced parents will form new relationships and take their children with them, and couples living together andhaving children without getting formally married. 以上是由