
2023-08-06 10:42:17 来源:万能知识网


预约医生A:Will Dr. Terry be able to see me tomorrow?  B:Sorry, he"s got a rather full day tomorrow.  A:How about Tuesday?  B:Tuesday is not good. I"m afraid he"s busy at that time,too.  A : Can you make it some other time?  B : Yes, I can. How about 9 : 00 Wednesday?  A: Well,I"ll be there in time.  A:明天特里大夫能给我看病吗?  B:抱歉,明天他一整天都排满了。  A:星期二怎么样?  B:恐怕星期二也不行,他抽不出时间。  A:你能安排在其他时间吗?  B:可以,星期三上午9点怎么样?  A:好的,我按时去。预约医生(2)A: Do you think Dr. York could see me tomorrow before 10: 00?  B:I"m afraid not before midday.  A: Is 12:30 any good?  B : Sorry again,but I"ll ring if somebody cancels.  A:How about 1:30 p. M.?  B :Yes , he"s free then. You"ll be here on time.  A:明天10点以前约克大夫能给我看病吗?  B:中午以前恐怕不行。  A:12点半行吗?  B:再次抱歉,不过如果有人取消了预约,我会打电话通知你的。  A:下午1点半怎么样?  B:可以,那时他有空,你得准时到这里。
关键词: 我看 星期 明天
x 广告
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