
2023-08-07 10:58:55 来源:万能知识网


英语短语能使人在积累的过程中学习英语。上海汉普森英语为大家整理一些有用的英语短语,本篇是:关于介绍的常用英语短语   1 .I can recall the pink shirt and blue jeans you are dressed in.   我现在想起来你穿的粉红衬衫和蓝色牛仔裤了。   be dressed in表示穿的状态。   表示“穿”的词语有:put on. dress. wear, be in. he dressedin,   表示“穿”的动作时用put on,后面接“衣服”,如:He put onhis coat and went out.他穿上外衣出去了。   dress也表示“穿”的动作,但后面不能接.‘衣服”.作不及物动词用,表示“穿衣”:作及物动词用.后面接“某人”。表示“给某人穿衣”,如:   He is dressing.他在穿衣。   He dressed his child. 他给孩子穿上衣服。   wear和be in. be dressed in 都表示.‘穿”的状态。如:He"swearing new clothes.=He is in new clothes.=H e isdressed in new clothes.他穿着新衣服。   2. By the way.it is said that there are three students in ourdorm.   by the way顺便说,附带说说   By the way,what happened to all the money I gave you?   顺便问一下,我给你的那些钱呢?   dorm(infml)dormitory   It is said that……据说……(people said)   Similar sentence pattern   It is thought that...   It is known that...   It is generally believed that…   3. We have been expecting you.   我们一直期待着你的到来。   这里用了现在完成进行时态,现在完成进行时态表示从过去某一时间开始一直延续到现在,现在这个动作可能已经终止,也可能仍然在进行。   如:I have been waiting for you for two hours.   我等了你两个小时。(动作不再延续下去)   It has been raining for three hours.   雨已经下了三个小时了。(动作仍延续)   4. No wonder you take so much baggage.   难怪你带了这么多行李!   No(或little. small. what) wonder并不奇怪.不足为奇.十分自然   No wonder you couldrit find the book-it had fallen behindthe chair.   难怪你找不到这本书,它掉在椅子背后了。   5. You must he very tired.   你一定很累了。   must可表示说话人对事物的推侧。比may肯定得多.相当于汉语的“一定”或“准是”。如:   Grandpa Li must be over seventy now.   李大爷准有七十多岁了。   You ate very little at breakfast today. You must be hungrynow.   你今天早餐吃得很少.现在一定饿了。   以上就是上海汉普森英语小编为您整理的关于介绍的常用英语短语,上海汉普森英语常年开设商务英语成人英语英语口语等课程,欢迎大家进入上海汉普森英语首页进行详细了解与咨询。
关键词: 英语 短语 上海
x 广告
x 广告

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