
2023-08-08 10:43:57 来源:万能知识网


英语学习在于应用,日常英语口语对话则是为实用了,韦博英语为各位同学提供常用英语口语、学商务英语口语方法、日常英语口语对话、口语交际、英语情景对话等...本篇是:大象英语怎么说,希望对大家有所帮助。 A : We all know that the elephant is the largest of all land animals. B : Yes, l think so. A : Well, people might think that an animal that is so big wouldn"t have much to worry about, but it has its problems too. B : Well, elephants are perhaps the only animals that are hunted for their teeth. A : An elephant uses its long, pointed tusks as tools for digging in the ground for food. B : In Africa, female elephants have long, light tusks. A : Well, tusks in good condition are in great demand, and may sell for as high as two thousand dollars or more. Because of this, large numbers of elephants have been killed. B : However, some countries have initiated methods of trying to protect elephants. A:我们都知道,大象是陆地上动物。 B:是的。 A:唔,人们可能会以为,这么大的动物没有什么可担忧的。可是,它也有自己的难题。 B:也许在大象是因其牙齿被猎取的罕有的动物。 A:大象把象牙用作工具从地下挖掘食物。 B:在非洲,雌象牙长得又长又轻。 A:质量好的象牙很抢手,可以卖到两千美元或者更多。正因为如此,大量的大象遭到了猎杀。 B:不过,一些国家已经采取措施努力保护大象。 英语对话能使人在短的时间内学会实用的会话,尽量以浅显的方式介绍,即使平常不太有机会接触英语的人,也可一句一句地学习会话。建议大家多说多练,或者参加韦博英语培训,快速提升英语水平。
关键词: 大象 英语 象牙
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