如果用梯子来形容人的事业上的升迁的话,看来是再合适不过的了。那么“He"s going up the ladder pretty quickly”,就是说这个人爬得很快,职位升得很快,也就是所谓的平步青云。韦博国际
Excuse me.Mr. Taylor.打扰了,泰勒先生。What" s wrong, Denise. Take a seat, please.什么事呀,丹尼斯。先坐下再说吧。I am told that you are going to give Liu Wei promotion and salary rise, aren" t you?听说你准备提升刘伟并给他加薪,是吗?Yes. I" m going to make it known tomorrow at the staff meeting.是。我准备明天在职工大会上宣布此事。Hmm…嗯……What do you think of it? Please be frank.你有什么想法?请直说!Well, Mr. Taylor, I don" t want to speak ill of the others, you know. I mean Liu Wei is doing well in his job but he also makes mistakes. And he" s been here only two years while I have been here for fouryears. Now he is going to be promoted while I have no chance.泰勒先生,你知道我不喜欢在背后议论别人。我只是想说,尽管刘伟工作出色,但他也有失误。他来这儿才工作两年就要提升了,而我工作了四年却没有机会。Yeah, it" s true. He" s been here for only a short time. But just as everybody sees, he is energetic, responsible and enterprising; he is quite familiar with the business and get along very well with colleagues as well as customers. He did make some mistakes and should learn from you in some aspects. But this has nothing to do with his promotion. You know, we reward staff according to their achievements instead of seniority. Sure, I can understand your feelings. You"ll have chance if you do well.的确,刘伟来这儿的时间并不长。但他年轻有朝气,有进取心和责任感。他熟悉业务,与同事和顾客都处得很好。当然他也有犯错的时候,在某些方面应向你学习。但这与提升是两码事。你也知道,我们公司是以成绩而非资历论奖赏的。我理解你此刻的心情,丹尼斯。如果你工作干得出色,同样也有提升的机会。I see, Mr.Taylor. I"ll try my best.我明白了,泰勒先生,我会努力的。