
2023-08-13 10:49:06 来源:万能知识网


Talking About Habits 谈论日常生活习惯的英文对话(1)  A:Oh,youlooktired!When didyougotobedlast night ?  B:Itwaspastl2o "clock.  A:Thatwastoolate.Whydidn "tyougotobedearlier?  B:Ialwaysgotobedthatlate.Ican "tfallasleep ifIgotobedearlier.  A:Isee.That "syourso-called=biological clock‘!  B:Iam usedto it.  A:Well, it "s a very bad habit, and it "s bad foryour health!It means that youcan "t begetting enough rest but still have to getup early in the morning to go towork.Soyou "dbettermakesomechanges.  B:Oh,Isee.I "lltry.SometimesIfeel quitetired.PerhapsIaminpoorhealth.  A:lam sorrytohearthat.Ithinkithassomethingtodowithyourdailyhabits.  B:Yes,Ithinkso.  A:Doyou have mealsontime ?  B:Iamsobusythatlcannothave mealsontimeeveryday.  A:You should do your best to have mealson time. Tryto form good habits andkeephealthy. You know, a good living habit isthe keytosuccess.B:I see.Thankyouforyouradvice.  A:Youarewelcome.  (2)  A:Howlenvyyou!You always lookso healthy.  B:Good habitshelpa lot.Theyarethekeyformetokeepfit.  A:I "d liketoknowmoreaboutit.Couldyoutellmeaboutyourgoodhabits?  B:Certainly. Everyday, I get up early and then do some morning exercise inmygarden before I go to work. You know, the fresh air makes me happyandenergetic for the whole busy day. In the evening, I go to bed on time to haveenoughrest.  A:Whatelse?  B:Idrinkalotofwater, andldon "thave heavyfood.What "s more, leat plentyofhigh-fibre foods, such as fruits, vegetables, beans and grains. They areallnutritiousfoodsand importantformyhealth.  A:Isee. Howdoyou reducestressfromworkand study?  B:In my spare time, I do a lot of things with my friends like going for walks,goingto the KTV and so on. It not only relaxes me, but it can also give me moreenergyand helps metobemoreefficient.  (3)  A:What "swrongwithyou?You have been forgetful recently. It is avery badhabittogetinto.  B:TheCollege Entrance Examination iscoming up. lam soworried about itthatIcan "tsleep.  A:It is important for you to keep a cool head at the moment. In addition to agoodreview,goodsleeping habitsareveryhelpful.  B:I know. Butl reallycan "tsleepandjuststayupallnight.Itmakesmecrazy.  A:I am sorry to hear that. Take it easy before you go to bed.It is good for youtolistentosomelightmusic. B:Iwilltry.Thankyou.  东莞韦博英语老师译文:(1)  A:哦,你看起来很累?昨晚什么时候睡觉?  B:12点以后。  A:太晚了.为什么不早点睡觉呢?  B:我总是睡觉很退。如果太早了睡不看觉。  A:我知道。那是所谓的生物钟.  B:我习惯了。  A:这是个很坏的习惯,对你的身体健康有害。你得不到足够的休息,早上又要早起上班。所以你比较好改变一下。  B:好的,我知道了.我会试看去做,有时我觉得很虚弱。或许我的健康状况很差。  A:我很遗憾听到这。我想那跟你的生活习惯有关。  B:是的。我也这样觉得。  A:我总是很忙.不能每天按时就餐。  A:你应该尽可能的按时就餐。尽量形成好的习惯,保持健康。你知道,一个好的生活习惯是成功的关键。B:我明白了。谢谢你的建议。  A:不用谢。  东莞韦博英语老师译文:(2)  A:我多羡慕你!你看起来总是很健康。  B:好的习惯会有很大帮助.对我来说,它是保持健康的关键。  A:我想了解更多。你能跟我说说你的好习惯吗?  B:当然。每天,我起床很早,然后在上班前在花园里做运动。你知道,清新的空气让我觉得很愉快,忙碌的一整天里都充满活力.晚上,我准时睡觉,有足够的休息。  A:还有吗?  B:我喝很多的水,但是不吃油腻的食品。而且,我吃大量的高纤维食物,比如,水果,蔬菜,豆类和谷类食物。它们都是很有营养的食物,对身体健康很重要。  A:我明白了。你是如何减少工作和学习的压力的?  B:在我的空余时间,我和我的朋友做很多的事情,去散步,去KTV等.它不仅让我放松,而且让我更有能量,更有效率。  东莞韦博英语老师译文:(3)  A:你怎么啦?近总是丢三落四的。这是一个非常坏的习惯。  B:高考就要来了,我很担心以至于睡不看觉。  A:这时候保持头脑冷静很重要。除了复习好外,良好的作息习惯也是很有用的。  B:我知道。但是我是真的睡不看觉,一整晚都熬夜。我简直要疯了.  A:我很遗憾听到你这样说。睡觉前放松些.睡前听些轻音乐对你有好处.  B:我试试。谢谢。  Words, Expressionsand Notes单词、词句和注释makesomechanges作出一些改变  feelweak觉得虚弱  form good habits形成好习惯  That "syourso-called=biological clock‘.  那是所谓的生物钟。  That "saverybad habit, and it"s bad foryourhealth那是个很坏的习惯,对你的身体健康有害。  Ithassomethingtodowithyourdailyhabits.  它跟你的生活习惯有关。  Good living habits arethe keytosuccess.  良好的生活习惯是成功的关键。  comingup=approaching接近的
关键词: 习惯 东莞 让我
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