无论你在任何部门工作,处好同事关系都非常重要。相处得好,自然开心;相处不好,就很糟心。同事用英文怎么写对话一Do you know that John has been transferred to the Sales Department?知道约翰被调到销售部去这件事吗?No. How come?不知道。为什么?He has a large circle of acquaintances, and he is active. He" s the very person needed there. He can develop his potential.他交际很广,为人活跃,那儿正需要他这样的人,他能发挥自己的潜能。I hope he will bring good luck to the company.希望他能给公司带来好运。同事用英文怎么写对话二Have you heard Jack was demoted?你听说杰克被降职了吗?What did he do?他怎么了?He made a serious mistake in the contract with MP firm, which brought a loss to the company.他在和MP公司签的合同中犯了一个严重的错误,给公司造成了损失。He" s always careless in his work. And this time he suffered from his own mistake.他在工作中总是粗心马虎。这次他可吃着苦头了。