
2023-08-18 10:45:37 来源:万能知识网


厨房,是指可在内准备食物并进行烹饪的房间,一个现代化的厨房通常有的设备包括炉具(瓦斯炉、电炉、微波炉或烤箱)、流理台(洗碗槽或是洗碗机)及储存食物的设备(例如:冰箱)。相关词汇apron n.围裙  automatic rice cooker 电饭锅  bowl n. 碗  chopping board 案板;切菜板  cupboard n.碗橱  cutlery tray 装餐具的容器  dining table 餐桌  dish n.碟子  drop-leaf table 可以折叠边缘的桌子  gas n.天然气  gas furnace 煤气炉  microwave n.微波炉  paper towel 纸巾  plate n.盘子  pot n.锅  refrigerator n. 冰箱  seasoning n. 调味料,佐料  tableware n. 餐具  toaster n.烤面包机  utensil n.器具情景对话A: Hi, guys. Today is my birthday. I guess I deserve a gift from each of you, right?  B: I"ve already got a necklace for you, honey.  A: I know, thank you, honey, but it"s not enough. I want to make this birthday special.  C: Then what do you have in mind, mom?  A: Well, I want each of you to cook at least one dish for me.There are many kinds of food in the refrigerator in the kitchen. You can use them freely. And the tableware and utensils are in the cupboard.  C: No problem, mum. We can do that. I can bake bread in the toaster.  D: I can make rice in the automatic rice cooker.  B: I can prepare paper towel and set the table with dishes and bowls.  A: No. Since it"s my birthday, I have the last word. All of you have to cook dishes in the pot with the apron and chopping board by using the gas furnace. And also you have to use seasoning.  B: Um... honey, it"s too difficult for us. Could you make it a little easier?  A: No way. I want you to experience what I do every day.Don"t waste time and make me disappointed on my birthday. You know, it"s my birthday.  B,C&D: OK, we"ll try.参考译文:A:嗨,大家好啊。今天是我的生日。我想我应该可以从你们每个人那里得到一份礼物,对吧?  B:我已经送你一条项链了啊,亲爱的。  A:我知道,谢谢你,亲爱的.但是那不够啊。我想让这次的生日特别点。  C:你有什么想法,妈?  A:我想让你们每个人都至少为我做一道菜。厨房冰箱里有很多食物。你们可以随便用。餐具和器具都在碗柜里。  C:没问题,妈妈。我们能做到。我可以用烘烤机烤面包。  D:我可以用电饭锅煮米饭。  B:我可以准备纸巾,还有把碗和菜摆在桌子上。  A:不。既然是我的生日,那就由我来决定。你们所有人都得穿围裙,用案板切菜,打开煤气炉用锅炒菜。而且还得用调味料。  B:呢,亲爱的。这对我们来讲太难了。你就不能来点简单的吗?  A:没门儿。我想让你们也体验下我每天做的事情。不要浪费时间了,别在我生口的时候让我失望啊。你知道的,今天是我的生日。  B,C&D:好吧,我们试试.
关键词: 我想 调味料 煤气炉
x 广告
x 广告

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