
2023-04-24 10:56:52 来源:万能知识网


1.Inquiry about gate询问登机门Tell me the gate number, please./Where is gate ten?  Can you direct me to gate 25,please?  Which way is gate twenty?  What is the gate number of Flight number fifty-eight to Paris?  From which gate does the airplane leave for London?2.Inquiry about place询问地点Is this the right counter for CAL Flight 805 to New York?  Is this the right counter to check in for this flight?  Can you tell me where to go?  Can you tell me which way I should go to get out?  Where is the information counter?3.Finding a porte找搬运夫.Where can I get a porter?4.Confirming booking and change.确认预约与变更。I want to confirm my reservation.  I"d like to reconfirm my reservation.  I want to cancel my flight reservation.    Jim:Could you reschedule it?能更改航班吗?  Clerk:Yes, when would you like to reschedule it for?可以,您想改到什么时候?  Jim:I just missed my flight.我刚刚错过了航班。  Clerk:Oh, I"m sorry to hear that.哦,听到您这么说我感到很遗憾。  Jim:How about changing my flight to tomorrow noon?把我的航班改到明天中午可以吗?  Clerk:That was for tomorrow at noon?Please let me verify flight available?明天中午吗?让我查一下有没有航班好吗?  Jim:Yes.好的。  Clerk:OK, there"s still one seat available?on that flight. But it"s in business class.I can let you have that if you like for no additional charge,but rescheduling costs a little extra.好了,明天中午的航班还有一个座位.不过是商务舱,如果您愿意我就给您订这个了,没有额外收费但是您得另外付改航班的手续费。  Jim:What"s the charge for rescheduling?It"s not too steep, is it?那要多it呢?不会太贵吧,是吗?  Clerk:No, not very. It"s only a$20 charge.And we now have a city terminal so you can check your bags before you get to the airport.是的,不太贵。二十美元就行了。我们现在有了一个城市航空集散站,在来机场之前您可以在那儿办理行李托运。  Jim:That"s great. Thank you.太好了,谢谢你。5.When to take off?何时起飞?When does the next flight to Paris leave?  When does the connecting flight to London leave?6.What is the check-in time?何时办理登机?When must I check in for Pan Am Flight 208 to London?  What is the check-in time?/What is the boarding time?
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