薪资待遇 英语_观察

2023-05-21 10:59:10 来源:万能知识网


薪资待遇是我们面试时无法回避的话题。我们既不能对此问题避而不答,也不能狮子大张口,所以掌握一些必要的谈资技巧会让你的表现锦上添花。 常用例句1 .I would expect a salary of at least 2,000 dollars a month.   我期望的薪水是每月至少2,000美元。   2. Well, in my last job I was making,700 a month. I understand that thisposition has a starting salary of around ,000 a month.   嗯,我上一份工作的月薪是1,700美元。我了解到这个职位的起薪大约是每个月2,000美元。   3. In regard to salary, I"ll leave it to you to decide after you have seen the kindof work I can do.   关于薪金,请考查我的工作情况后再作定夺。   4. The salary I require would be ,000 a year, plus one percentcommission on all sales.   关于薪金,我要求年薪60,000美元,同时希望获得销售额1%的分红. 5. Well I"ve been working here for three years and I"m supposed to get a raise.   我已经在这里工作三年了;我该涨工资了。  高频词汇期望expect   至少at least   关于in regard to   分红commission   起薪starting salary   涨工资get a raise  经典句式某人应该…sb. be supposed to... 以上是由上海小编为您整理的薪资待遇 英语的全部内容。
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