
2023-07-03 10:59:34 来源:万能知识网


常用句型The turf felt springy under their feet.  他们走在草皮上,觉得很松软。  I like to watch field and track events.  我喜欢观看田径比赛。  The new grandstand will hold ten thousand spectators.  新的看台能容纳一万观众。  The crowd cheered as the teams took the field.  球队上场时观众们为之欢呼。  The stadium was a seething cauldron of emotion.  体育场内群情沸腾。  But the forward made a foul in the penalty area.  但前锋在禁区内犯规了.  Lily loves exercising on the horizontal bar in the playground.  莉莉喜欢在操场上玩单杠。  With his speed and agility, Liu Xiang cut out all his competitors in the hurdle race.  文」翔在跨栏赛跑中速度快、动作敏捷,击败了其他所有选手。  She has broken the world record for the triple jump.  她打破了三级跳的世界纪录。  His movements on the parallel bars were very graceful.  他的双杠动作很优雅。实用词汇playground 操场  turf 人工草皮  track 跑道  grandstand 大看台  field 运动场  stadium 体育场  penalty area 禁区  horizontal bar 单杠  hurdle 跨栏  triple jump 三级跳  parallel bars 双杠  plastic ring track 塑胶环形跑道  arena 场地  ball park 棒球场  commentary box 解说箱  racetrack 赛道  swing 秋千  skating rink 溜冰场;滑冰场  sports center 体育中心  fitness center 健身中心  court (网球等的)球场  tennis court 网球场  net post 网柱  net 球网  side horse 鞍马  sand pit 沙坑(也可以用jumping pit)  high jump 跳高  long jump 跳远  tai chi chuan 太极拳  wushu 武术  taekwondo 跆拳道  judo 柔道  spectator 观众
关键词: 双杠 单杠 跨栏
x 广告
x 广告

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