
2023-08-04 10:51:31 来源:万能知识网


英语关于旅游的商务英语对话A: Do you have something special in mind for the coming holiday?  A:马上就要放假了,你有什么特别的计划吗?  B: Nothing special. I think Hangzhou is a nice place for tourism.  B:没有什么特别的计划。我觉得杭州是个旅游的好地方。  A : Don"t you think it"s far away?  A:你不觉得路程太远了吗?  B:Then how about Gansu?  B:那么去甘肃怎么样?  A: Are you kidding? How much would it cost for two of us?  A:你开玩笑吧?咱们俩到那儿去要花多少钱哪?  B : Where do you want to go exactly?  B:那你究竟想去哪儿玩?  A:1"m thinking of Beijing.  A:我一直在考虑去北京。  B:But we have been there last year.  B:但我们去年去过了啊。  A:But we haven"t seen all the places of interest there.  A:但我们并没有去过所有的景点啊。  B : That"s true.  B:说得对。  A : Let"s make plans for it.  A:就这么定了.  B:All right.  B:好吧。  标签:关于旅游的商务英语对话 关于旅游的商务英语对话  





关键词: 商务英语 深圳 韦伯
x 广告
x 广告

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