
2023-08-06 10:37:34 来源:万能知识网


常用例句What do you usually do in your spare time?  你业余时间一般做什么?  Do you have any special interests other than your studies?  你除了学习以外,还有什么其他特殊爱好吗?  That’s a rare set of coins. How long did it take you to collect them?  这是一套罕见的钱币。你用了多长时间收集的?  Do you have any hobbies?  你有什么爱好吗?  What are you interested in?  你对什么比较感兴趣?  What are your interests?  你的爱好是什么?.  What"s he keen on doing?  他喜欢做什么?  How do you spend your evenings?  夜生活你都是怎么过的?  Do you go on picnics?  你常去郊游吗?  What are you interested in?  你对什么感兴趣?  Are you interested in detective stories?  你对侦探故事感兴趣吗?  Are you keen on photographing?  你酷爱摄影吗?  Do you enjoy dancing?  你喜欢跳舞吗?  Are you fond of collecting-things?  你喜欢收集东西吗?  What are your special interests?  你有哪些特别爱好?  Is fishing your hobby?  垂钓是你的业余爱好吗? 对话范例A: What do you do in your spare time?  B: Oh,nothing . special.I read,watch TV, go to the movies.  A: Don"t you have any hobbies,like stamp collecting or things like that?  B: No, I don"t have any hobbies.How about you?  A: I have just one一photography.It"s expensive, but it"s a lot of fun.  A:业余时间你做些什么?  B:没什么特别的。我读书,看电视,看电影。  A:你有没有业余爱好,例如集邮或其他什么别的?  B:不,我没有。你呢?  A:我有一个一一摄影。花费很高,但很有趣。
关键词: 感兴趣 你对 做什么
x 广告
x 广告

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