
2023-08-08 10:55:57 来源:万能知识网


打电话时,说话也是很有讲究的。千万不要上来就问对方Who is this?  自报家门之后说明你找谁就可以啦,如果很晚了还有急事需要打电话,那么一定要对自己的打扰向对方表示歉意。1.Hi, Amy?This is Steven.喂,是艾米吗?我是史蒂文。A:Hello?  B:Hi, Amy? This is Steven.  甲:喂,  乙:喂,是艾米吗,我是史蒂文。2.Hello, is this Tom"s home?喂,是汤姆家吗?A: Hello, is this Tom"s home?  B: No it"s not. You must have the wrong number.  甲:喂,是汤姆家吗,  乙:不,不是。你一定是拨错号码了。  与这句意思相近的句子还有:  Does Tom live here?  Is this where Tom lives?  Is this Tom"s house?3.Is Dr. Johnson in, please?请问约翰逊博士在吗?A: Is Dr. Johnson in, please?  B: He is out with his son.  A: OK.I will call back later.  甲:请问约翰逊博士在吗,  乙:他和他儿子出去了。  甲:好,那我一会儿再打。4.Hello. May I speak to Mr. Green?喂,可以找格林先生听电话吗?A: Hello. May I speak to Mr. Green?  B: He is not in.  A: Can I leave a message?  甲:喂,可以找格林先生听电话吗?  乙:他不在家。  甲:我可以留言吗,  与这句意思相近的句子还有:  May I have Mr. Green, please?  May I talk to Mr. Green, please?  I"d like to speak to Mr. Green.5.Is this Mary"s mobile phone?这是玛丽的手机吗?A:Is this Mary"s mobile phone?  B:Yep, this is she.  甲:这是玛丽的手机吗?  乙:是的,我就是。  与这句意思相近的句子还有:  Is this Mary"s cell phone?  Is this number to Mary"s cell phone?  Is this Mary"s cell phone number? 6.I"ll call again later.我待会儿再打来。A: Can I speak with Tina?  B: She is out with her friend.  A: I"ll call again later.  甲:我能和蒂娜通话吗,  乙:她和朋友出去了。  甲:我待会儿再打来。7.When will he be back?他什么时候能回来?A:Mr. Allen is on vacation? When will he be back?  B:He"ll be back next Monday.  甲: 艾伦先生在度假,他什么时候回来,  乙: 他下周一回来。
关键词: 约翰逊 玛丽 汤姆
x 广告
x 广告

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