
2023-08-13 10:40:32 来源:万能知识网


我们国家的经济发展很快。The economy in our country is booming.  政府采取了很多措施来发展经济。The government has adopted many measures to promote the economy.  现在日子好过了不缺钱,想买什么都可以。We are living a better life now and we are no longer short of money,so we can afford whatever we want.  我觉得生活质量有了很大的提高。I feel the quality of life has improved greatly.  会有越来越多的人过上小康生活的。There will be more and more people living a well-to一do life.  近些年来,农村劳动力不断涌向城市。The rural workforce has been flowing into the cities in recent years.  经济全球化是必然的趋势。Economic globalization is a universal trend.  经济的发展还有很长一段路要走。There is a long way to go in the economy development.  我相信我们国家二十年后将会变成发达国家.I believe our country will become a developed one in 20 years.提出问题我们怎样才能使经济更有活力?How can we make the economy more vibrant?  如果出现通货膨胀怎么办?What about inflation?  通货膨胀导致更多人失业么?Inflation leads to more unemployment?  通货膨胀伤害的是穷人而不是富人?Inflation hurts the poor more than the rich ?  经融危机很快就会过去。Economical and financial crisis will soon go away.  中国GDP保持稳定增长。China"s GDP keeps going up steadily.情景短对话A:你知道怎么回事吗?Do you know what happened?  B:他被发现上班时间玩游戏,所以被解雇了.He was caught playing games at work and got the boot.  A:现留很多公司由于经济危机都在裁员呢.Many companies are downsizing because of the economic crisis.  B:是啊。Yeah.  A:有人说09年有工作就是幸福的。Some said that just being in employment in 2009 is in happiness.  B:是啊,金融危机草菅了许多小资白领。Financial crisis made many petty bourgeois become grass roots.  A:工作辛苦收入又少,太囧了。To live with hard work and meager income is really‘ORZ".  B:可不是吗,我有几个消费计划都延迟了呢!So be it .I have no choice but to postpone a couple of consumption plan.  A:所以我一定要加倍努力争取升迁啊.So I am working twice as hard for promotion.  B:加倍努力。Working twice.
关键词: 通货膨胀 是啊 经济
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