
2023-06-17 10:37:58 来源:万能知识网


常用词句accommodation bill空头票据bank check银行支票  bank deposite certificate存款凭证  bank deposit银行存款  bank draft汇票  bankbook/passbook存折  banker"s acceptance银行承兑汇票  bearer 持票人  bearer cheque不记名支票  bill for collection托收票据  bill of exchange汇票.银行托收  bill of lading运货证书,提货单  bill payable应付票据  blank cheque空自支票cash 兑现cash cheque现金支票  cashier"s order本票  certified check保付支票  check out提款  check/cheque 支票  cheque book支票簿  cheque stub/counterfoil支票存根  clean bill光票(不附带条件的票据)  clearance 票据交换  clearing house票据交易所  commercial paper商业票据  demand/sight bill即期汇票  discounting of bill票据贴现  dishonoured bill/draft拒付票据  dishonoured/rubber/bad check空头支票  documentary export bill出口跟单汇票  domestic exchange闰内汇票  draft 汇票  drawer 开票人,发票人entry 汇账export bill出口单  holder of the check支票持有者  honour a cheque兑付  import bi一进口汇票  international exchange国际汇票  non-par stock无面值票据  notes receivable应收票据  order check记名支票  overdraw 透支  P.M.O(postal money order/remittance)邮汇  period bill定期汇票  personal check个人支票  post-dated check远期支票  promissory note期票refuse acceptance of a bill拒绝承兑一张票据.remittance/remit汇款  returned check退回支票  shipped B/L已装运提货单  shipper"s usance 托运人远期票据  stale B/L失效提单  T.T.( telegraphic transfer)电汇  transference 转让  traveller"s check旅行支票  treasury bill 国库债券
关键词: 支票 票据 汇票
x 广告
x 广告

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