
2023-07-03 10:48:28 来源:万能知识网


为商务和社交的目的举行鸡尾酒会Cocktail Party是很普遍的事。酒会可能是非正式的,也可能是正式的,而且经常在晚上六点至八点间举行。酒会上通常招待各种饮料和开胃小吃或点心。常用句子Let"s drink it up!  干杯!  I"d like a shot of whisky.  我想来一杯威士忌。  Make that on the rocks.  在酒里放些冰块。  It is very strong.  这种酒酒劲很大。  I"d like a light/dark beer.  我要一杯度数了田度数高的啤酒。  I drink it on the rocks, not straight.  我喝加冰的酒,不要纯的。  Ah, this red wine really hits the spot.  哈,这种红酒正合口味。  Care for another?  再来一杯怎么样?  Excuse me for a minute.  我失陪一会儿。  Friends, I"ll give you a toast to our cooperation!  朋友们,我给大家敬酒,为我们的合作干杯!  Should you start with wine or go straight to hard liquor?  你先喝葡萄酒还是直接喝烈性酒呢?  I"d like to suggest a toast to our get-together.  我想建议为我们的聚会干一杯。  I"ll have a draft.  我要一杯生啤。  I"d love a gin and tonic.  我要一杯掺奎宁水的杜松子酒。  Here is to our next project!  为我们下一个项目干杯!  To successful projects!  祝贺项目圆满完成!  I now propose a toast to our cooperation.  现在,我提议为咱们的合作干杯!  Cheers for the better future of our two companies.  为我们两家公司的美好未来干杯。情景对话Harry:Hi! I"m happy you could make it.  Paul:It"s my honor to be here. Thanks for inviting me.  Harry:What would you like to drink?  Paul:A shot of whisky will be fine.  哈利:我很高兴你能来。  保罗:很荣幸来到这里,谢谢你邀请我。  哈利:想喝点什么?  保罗:来一杯威士忌就可以了。
关键词: 我要 保罗 哈利
x 广告
x 广告

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