
2023-07-07 10:38:29 来源:万能知识网


1.Common language常用语Not at all./You are welcome./Please don"t mention it.  It"s a pleasure./A pleasure./It is my pleasure./My pleasure.  Pleasure is all mines./No trouble at all./No problem./It"s nothing.  Think nothing of it./That"s all right./That"s OK./Any time.  John:Is something wrong?有什么问题吗?  Mary:Yes. My car is having problems.是的。我的汽车出了点毛病。  John:What" s wrong?怎么回事啊?  Mary:It won"t start.发动不起来了。  John:Do you want me to take a look?需要我看一下吗?  Mary : No, thank you. I think I can handle it.不用了,谢谢。我想我自己能应付得了.  John:Well, if you change your mind, let me know.好,如果你改主意了就和我说一声。  Mary:I will.Thanks.That"s sweet of you.我会的。谢谢。你真好。  John:No problem.这没什么的。  Mary:I might need some tools though. Do you know where I can get some?不过我需要些工具。你知道哪儿有吗?  John:Sure. I have all kinds of tools.Just ask.I"ll be happy to get them for you.  当然了。我就有各式各样的工具。向我要就可以了。我很乐意去给你拿。  Mary:Thanks.That would be very helpful.多谢。那真是太好了。  John:Anything for you. Seriously, I don"t mind helping.不客气。说真的,我不介意帮忙。  Mary:OK. If you really insist, I could always use the company.好吧。如果你一再坚持的话,我还真是需要帮手呢。
关键词: 如果你 有什么 我就
x 广告
x 广告

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