
2023-07-11 10:51:27 来源:万能知识网
















雅思口语话题part1范文:Dream in childhood

1.What was your dream when you were young?


I wanted to be a doctor at first, and then a actor, which i have not yet achieved neither.

2.Has it changed?


Of course, both of them were out when i get close enough to them and find the nasty truth and details about the two profession, since i don"t feel powerful enough to handle them.

3.Will it change in the future?


My childhood dreams are elusive and long gone,and my adult one is more realistic: get a good life-long career in Education and lead a meaningful family life with my wife full of travelling and cuisine.

4.Why did you have that dream?


Inspiring figures always tell us to dream big, but i never buy it. i find my life will be totally great and fulfilling even i dream something smaller and more common. Maybe the feel of down-to-earthness gives me more aspiration and sense of genuineness of the world.


Describe a product from another country that you bought.

You should say:

what it was

where you bought it

what you use it for

and explain why you bought it.


Ok, well the first thing that came to mind when I saw this topic was olive oil, because I bought a bottle of it not that long ago, and if I’m not mistaken, I think it was from either Italy or Spain, so that’s what I’ve decided to talk about.

And as for where I got it, well, it was actually just from my local supermarket, because it’s now started selling quite a few imported products, which I’m really happy about, as I always enjoy trying new things, especially stuff from other countries.

And with regard to what I use the olive oil for, well, I’d say I use it for most of my cooking now, because it goes well with pretty much everything, especially bread and pasta, as you probably know, so I’m getting through it quite quickly, and I think I’m actually turning into a bit of an addict!

But anyway, as for what made me decide to buy it, well firstly, it’s apparently meant to be really good for you, so it’s basically a lot healthier than most other kinds of cooking oil. And another thing to mention would be that I remember tasting some olive oil at a Western restaurant I went to a couple of weeks ago, and I liked it so much that I made a mental note to get some when I next went to the supermarket.

So yeah, I guess these would be the main reasons, and even though it’s quite a bit more expensive than ordinary cooking oil, I reckon it’s definitely worth it.

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