
2023-08-04 10:47:10 来源:万能知识网


英语学习无捷径,是要不断的积累和记忆,把基础打牢固,而每个人也应该在自己的学习过程中不断发现、总结适合于自己的有效的学习方法。以下是由小编为大家整理的关于阅读英语对话。 Can you give some examples of different types of hooks and the reasons why people read them?请举例说说有哪些类型的书.为什么人们会读这些书?Let"s see. There are novels poetry books. anthologies, biographies.science books.encyclopedias,children"s books, fairy tales and so on.   I think that people of different ages like to read different types of books.Older people are usually accustomed to reading beautiful and profound poetry. Younger people tend to liketo read novels, especially romance or inspiring and encouraging novels, science fiction,biographies.a variety of informative science books and so on. Children like to react fairytales and children"s books.because they are colorful.lively and full of imagination.   让我想想,有小说、诗歌、诗集、人物传记、科普读物、百科全书、儿童读物和童话故事书等。   我认为不同年龄的人们喜欢读不同类型的书。老年人一般喜欢读优美和深刻的诗歌;年轻人喜欢读小说,特别是爱情小说、励志小说、科幻小说.同时也喜欢读人物传记和信息丰富的科普读物;儿童喜欢颜色鲜艳、活泼和充满想象力的童话故事书和儿童读物。   星级词汇:anthology n.诗集   biography n.人物传记   encyclopedia n.百科全书   profound adj.深刻的   informative adj.提供信息的 Do you think people today read more than before?你觉得现在人们读书比过去更多吗?No,I"m afraid that"s not true. People currently take advantage of a wider range of enter-tainment forms that now include the internet and TV. In the past.however,people onlyhad reading material to keep themselves occupied or entertained. My parents used to read loads of books when they were younger. They enjoyed reading ancient Chinese novels and American and British novels and anthologies. They told me that they used to get so caught up in their reading that they often forgot to make themselves food to eat or go tosleep at night. Currently.this is not the case at all. They hardly ever have the kind of time they used to to read a book from cover to cover. They do read the newspaper and magazines though.   我觉得不是这样的。现在的人们有更多的娱乐休闲方式,比如上网和看电视。而过去.人们只有通过阅读各种书籍作为消遣和娱乐。我的父母年轻的时候读过很多书.从中国古典小说,到英美小说和诗集。他们告诉我.他们当时痴迷于书里的情节,经常废寝忘食。而现在情况已经不是这样了。他们已经很久没有读完一整本书了,但是他们还保持读报纸和杂志的习惯。 星级词汇:keep oneself occupied让某人有事做 from cover to cover 读整本书 以上是由小编为您整理的关于阅读英语对话的全部内容。
关键词: 英语 喜欢 自己的
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