
2023-08-08 10:39:33 来源:万能知识网


堵车已经成为现代城市的通病,严重影响了人们的工作和生活。堵车原因很多,比如私家车逐年增多,道路设计不科学等。为避免堵车,出行前比较好先熟悉路况,提前出发。  常用句子The car hasn"t moved for nearly half an hour.  车已经半个小时没动了。  It"s always the rush hour at this time of day.  每天这时总是车辆的高峰期。  How can we avoid a traffic jam?  我们怎么样避免堵车呢?  I got stuck again on the highway.  我在高速路上堵了。  There"s a lot of traffic on the roads.  路上车辆很多。  The traffic is very heavy now.  现在交通很拥挤。  You can take the subway, which is more convenient.  你可以坐地铁,更方便。  This morning I was stuck on the bus for almost an hour.  今天早上,我在公交车上堵了半个小时。  It takes more time in rush hour.  在高峰时间,用时会长一些。  This traffic really makes me a headache.  堵车可真让人头疼。  I was here first, and you can"t cut in line like this.  我先到这里的,你不能这样插队。  You"re finally here! What took so long?  你可算到了!怎么花了这么长的时间?  Thousands of million cars are releasing gas as the source of air pollution in this city.  成千上万的车排放尾气成为这个城市空气污染原因之一。情景对话Boss:Sean, you are late again! I can"t believe it.  Sean:I got stuck again on the highway.  Boss:Why are you so unfortunate? Yesterday you promised you would not be late today.  Sean:I am really fed up with traffic jams.  Boss:A liar! You must get drunk last night and overslept this morning.  Sean:Sorry, I am late again. But I really got a traffic jam today for an hour on high way. You could read the news and check it out!  Boss:That makes sense. But you can take the subway, which is more convenient.  Sean:Thousands of people are lining up to get on the subway every early morning. It even takes me longer time to behere.  Boss:But it"s the fifth time in this week that you are late.  Sean:Then I will knock off late in the evening.  Boss:You deserve it. But by the way, I wonder why the highway always blocks up in the morning?  Sean:Because of the foggy weather, cars move very slow.  Boss:Anyway, next time you"d better be here on time.  Sean:Yes, I will.  老板:肖恩,你又迟到了!真难以置信。  肖恩:我在高速路上堵了。  老板:怎么就你不幸?昨天你答应今天不迟到的。  肖恩:我对堵车真是烦透了。  老板:骗人!昨晚你肯定是喝醉了,然后今早睡过头了。  肖恩:对不起,又迟到了。但是今天真的又在高速路上堵了。你可以看看新闻,高速路今早大堵。  老板:那还真是。但是你可以坐地铁啊,那样方便点。  肖恩:坐地铁的话,每天早上几干人排着队等着上车。那样上班花时间更长。  老板:但是这是本周第五次迟到了。  肖恩:那我今天晚点下班。  老板:你本该这样。但是高速路早上怎么老堵哇?  肖恩:早上老是大雾天气,车走得慢。  老板:不管怎么着,下次一定得准时。  肖恩:是,我会准时的
关键词: 肖恩 老板 我在
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