一见钟情 英语

2023-08-08 10:52:12 来源:万能知识网


一见钟情是指男女双方一见面就相互吸引,意趣相投,很快产生感情上,相爱对方的现象。一见钟情还需要长时间的相处,才能证明是否是一份真的感情。 常用句子They fall in love with each other for the first time when they are introduced by friends.  当朋友介绍他们相互认识的时候,他们一见钟情。  To believe in fate, I believe that love at first sight.  我相信缘分,相信一见钟情  Recently, many boys have made advances to her.  近,很多男孩子向她求爱。  My uncle and Aunt fell in love after glancing into each other"s eyes.  我叔叔和阿姨一相见就坠入了爱河。  Is there really such thing as Love at first sight?  世上还有一见钟情这回事吗?  He falls for every pretty girl at first sight.  对每一位漂亮的姑娘他都一见钟情。  I don"t believe in the myth of love at the first sight.  我不相信一见钟情的说法。  Sean took to Mary as soon as they met.  肖恩对玛丽一见钟情。  We met at a dance party. It was love at first sight.  我们在舞会上相识,是一见钟情。  His girlfriend is a knockout!  他的女朋友很迷人!  David will make a pass at her.  大卫要追求她。  I feel the boy is infatuated with you.  我觉得那个男孩对你有意思。情景对话Carrie:Hi, Ellen.Who was the boy with you just now?  Ellen:Well, he is my boyfriend.I"ve decided to go steady with him.  Carrie:So, you"re quite sure he"s your Mr. Right?  Ellen:Yes. He"s the just person I had dreamed of.  Carrie:Can you tell me something about him? Such as what type of man he is?  Ellen:In my eyes, he"s a mature, stable, manly one. I believe someday I"ll marry him.  Carrie:Sounds nice!Congratulations on you for finding your ideal partner. I can feel you"re serious this time. May you happy!  Ellen:Thank you. But why don"t you find a boyfriend now?  You know most of the people at the same age of us all have friends.  Carrie:Yes, you"re right. But I still can"t meet the right boy. To tell the truth I often feel lonely when I"m free.  Ellen:Come on.Don"t worry, you"re so nice and femininea girl.You"ll meet a good boy who really loves you someday.  Carrie:Thank you, I hope so.  卡丽:嗨,艾伦。刚刚和你一起的男孩是谁啊?  艾伦:哦,他是我男朋友。我已经决定和他交往了。  蒂娜:那么,你确信他就是你想找的那个人?  萨利:是的。他就是我一直梦想着要找的人。  蒂娜:你能聊聊他吗?比如他是哪种类型的人?  萨利:在我眼里,他是一个成熟、踏实、阳刚的男子。我相信有一天我要嫁给他。  蒂娜:听起来不错!恭喜你找到了理想的另一半。我能感觉到你这次是认真的。祝你幸福!  萨利:谢谢。但是你现在为什么不找个男朋友呢?要知道和我们同龄的人大部分都有对象了啊。  蒂娜:是啊,你说得对。但是我始终没有遇到合适的男孩。说实话当我闲下来时经常觉得很孤独。  萨利:没事的。别急,你是那么漂亮温柔的女孩。总有一天你会遇见真正爱你的男孩的。  蒂娜:谢谢,希望如此。
关键词: 钟情 萨利 的人
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